Moving in...

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Bellanie's P.O.V:

I was sitting down calmly eating my sugary cereal goodness when I heard a growl and loud pounding from the door.

"Evan, Bellanie are you there?" A deep worried voice boomed.

"I'm coming" I said and rushing to the door. When I opened it I was immediately engulfed in a hug. Two large arms wrapping around my waist.

"Bell you're okay" Micheal said more to himself then me. "Are you okay what happened?"

"I thought you guys were supposed to be gone for a week and what do you mean what happened?" I asked confused.

"All those messages you left me made it sound like something bad happened." Micheal said equally confused.

Then it clicked. I started laughing.

"What's so funny" Ian growled "and where's Evan"

"I'm sorry" I said laughing even harder "really I am" but I continued to laugh for a good five minutes before I calmed down. "I'm sorry okay, we're fine everything's good...for the most part" I mumbled that last bit hoping they wouldn't hear me.

"For the most part?" Micheal asked.

Damn it. "Uhh Evan got into a little bit of trouble nothing too bad" I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. Yeah right nothing too bad. but I don't want Ian to destroy our apartment.

"What do you mean trouble" Ian asked eyes narrowing.

"I'll let her explain when she gets up" I rushed out.

"Hey who are they" I heard along with a hiss. King...

"King they're our friends so knock it off" I said annoyed.

"But they smell like werewolves" King hissed again.

"King we are well aware that they are werewolves that one" I said pointing to Micheal "Is my uhh mate" it sounded weird saying that out loud especially coming from my mouth "and that one" I said pointing to Ian "Is Evan' mate"

"Umm.. Bell why do you have a cat and why are you talking to it?" Micheal asked both confused and worried. I'm hoping that's worry for my mental health.

"Ugh right okay. This is King. King is Evan's familiar that she met during her incident. King lives with us now. As a witches we can understand him" I explained.

"What's a familiar? And why did Evan choose a cat for hers?" Micheal asked cringing slightly.

"Because cats are cooler than dogs" King hissed out.

"I'm not sure what a familiar is. All I know is that they help witches somehow. And you'll have to ask Evan" I shrugged ignoring King.

Evan's P.O.V:

I groaned as I woke up I winced in pain as I got up irritating my throbbing shoulder. I sighed and walked into the bathroom. I inspected my bruises the one by my eye didn't look to bad well not as bad as it did last night. I noticed a couple bruises on my arms and a few scrapes on my legs probably from when I fell. I pulled of sweatshirt and removed the bandages from my pounding shoulder wound to inspect the damage. The puncture wounds were deep but not deep enough for me to need stitches which  was good though it looked bad since it's bright red and slightly swollen.

"Bell I need help changing my bandages" I shouted grabbing the disinfectant and clean bandages with my good arm.

"What bandages" a voice that sent shivers down my spin said... Ian.

I didn't want to find out who else was here considering I was hanging out without a shirt on.

"Uh yeah I can help" Bellanie said rushing the words out.

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