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Evans P.O.V:

After I was done throwing up Bell ran into the room coming back with a bottle of water which I took small sips off. I was extremely thirsty but I learned my lesson a while ago if I gulp it my body won't keep it down.

I looked around and noticed Micheal and Ian in the room I still can't believe they're the ones that kidnapped me and Bell. I'm so angry right now and I can't do anything about it.

"How often do you get sick" Ian asked.

"I already told you it's none of your business" Bell said.

"Why don't you just tell me" he said back.

"Will you let us go if I tell you how often she gets sick" Bell asked.

"No of course not"

"Then I have no reason to tell you"

Ian looked at me "Evan" my name rolled from his mouth like music "how often do you get sick" he asked.

"I..I don..." I trailed off looking to Bellanie she shook her head "I don't have to tell you" I said quietly.

He took a deep breath in "once you get feeling better we will talk until then get some rest" he said and left with Micheal giving me and Bellanie one last look before following.

I looked to Bell who handed me a water bottle this time I took small sips.

"We shouldn't give them any information about us and honestly as soon as you're able to walk decently we're leaving" Bell said sternly "I don't care what they have to say" I nodded she has a point.

But for some reason I'm still curious and a bit sad thinking about leaving Ian I don't know why. Bellanie helped me walk to the bed and lay down.

"Bell you should go I don't want you getting sick too" I said.

"We've been through this my immune system isn't as weak as yours I don't get sick easy so I'm okay"

I nodded that's right I'm just a weak pathetic girl. Bell laid down next to me and pulled the covers over us. I curled up next to her and fell asleep.

We jumped up when we hear growling we look over to see Micheal and Ian fuming at us. I look around I'm not doing anything neither is Bell and there's no one in the room why are they mad.

Ian had gotten to the bed and picked me up putting his head in the crook of my neck and inhaling. I'm pretty sure my face was bright red.

"hey put her down jerk" Bellanie yelled jumping up to attack Ian but she too was picked up by Micheal "what the heck put me and Evan both down" Bellanie yelled.

I felt like I was going to puke again I started wiggling out.

"Don't move" his voice was low.

"Please" I begged.


"You jerk let her go she's about to puke" Bell yelled.

I was thankful she did because Ian let me go and I made it to the bathroom in time. I heard Bell yell again. "hey you idiot let me go I need to help Evan"

I felt someone behind me holding my hair and rubbing my back I felt small tingles and the hands were bigger so I knew it wasn't Bell.

After I finished I slowly stood up and saw that it was Ian who was helping me. He had a hint of worry on his face and pain? But that couldn't be right I mean why would he worry about the person he stole. Unless he's worried about damaged goods! Oh my goodness is he some sort of human trafficker!?

The Wolf and The Witchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن