Not Again...

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Evan's P.O.V:

I woke up to lights streaming through the window. I was starting to get way to hot so I rolled over away from the warmth only to be pulled back into it. So like any normal person I rolled over yet again but my plan was thwarted mid roll and I found myself yet again engulfed in warmth.

"Evan stop moving" A very deep very sexy husky voice said.

"But I'm hot" I whined moving away.

"Evan there is no need to brag everyone can see that" The voice laughed.

"Ugh" I rolled over so now I was facing the voice aka Ian. "I'm talking about temperature why do you produce so much freaking body heat!"

"I'm a werewolf, what do you expect?" Ian said.

"You're right you're an animal whose meant to live outside."

He flipped us so now he was on top of me. "I am not an animal, but I could show you an animal if you'd like" He said with a smirk.

I used a spell to flip him off of me "I would love to see that but unfortunately some alpha proclaimed I had to train" I was about to get off the bed when Ian pulled me back down.

"I'm sure he'd forgive you just this once" He said then kissed me.

I pulled away "I don't know the Alphas pretty tough and you're not worth the risk" I got up and headed to the shower I laughed a little when I heard him groan.

After showering I went to my closet in my room cause for some reason we're always in his...I don't know, but I pulled out a black tank top with white stripes up the side along with a pair of matching running shorts and my teal sneakers. I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail and added a black hat with an over sized jacket and let me tell you I looked good. Even with out make up I was on fire!

I opened the closet door to find Ian in a tight gray t-shirt and a pair of navy blue basket ball shorts with matching sneakers. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Ready?" He asked his voice no longer husky.

"Yep all ready. Where's Micheal and Bell?"

"At the gym already"

"Then lets go!" I said punching the air. I love working out with Bell mostly because we just talk about boys or complain together or I don't know we just talk and it's super fun.

After we get to the gym I spot Bellanie flat on a mat in the back corner. She was breathing pretty hard. I started walking over to them Ian still beside me.

"Come on Bellanie we barley started" I heard Micheal say.

Bellanie shot up off the ground and pointed a finger at him "first of all! I don't normally work out! Second of all I am a human! A human with magical powers but still human! And thirdly you are a werewolf! I can barley keep up with an average dude let alone a werewolf!" Bell shouted gaining the attention of everyone in the gym which there wasn't that many to be honest but it was still funny.

Micheal stood there for a moment in shock. I tried to keep myself from laughing and I noticed Bell looking around probably noticing that the room was silent then all of the sudden she yelled. "Evie! Micheal's trying to kill me!" and I couldn't help myself I started laughing not like rolling on the ground laughing but like oh my friend just embarrassed herself laughing.

"Bellanie! I'll save you!" I said as we ran into each others arms. Yes we are complete idiots.

"Oh Evie I thought I was a goner but you have saved me!" Bell said over dramatic.

"What the heck?" Micheal asked looking at me and Bell like we grew two heads. When I looked over at Ian I saw that he was giving us the same look. Me and Bell looked at each other and started laughing again while walking out of the gym.

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