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Ians P.O.V:

I howled signaling to attack I was currently trying to deal with rouges.

"um Alpha the Luna is gone"


"The window was open and she was gone I think she jumped"

"no way she'd die if not seriously injure herself"

"but she...." "

find her"

The guards lost her and she ran away I took my extra anger out on the rogues.

If Evan did run away she couldn't have gotten far especially if she jumped.

Taking all the pain I had now that Evan was gone..again me and my men finished the rouges quickly.

I ran back to the house bursting through the room I saw what the men had informed me an empty room and an open window I looked out I could definitely smell her here. If she did run away she would run to the closets part of the forest but she is smart so maybe she figured out a general direction of the town.

I wish I knew her better I might be able to figure out where she would have gone. Then again she's human so she couldn't have gotten very far even if she left a while ago.

I growled it's dangerous for her out there.

I ran outside more determined to find her my wolf whined at the thought of her hurt and so did I. I stood under the window but her smell was faded as if far away.

What the heck I tried going further and the smell disappeared

"we should tell her" Damon said.

"as soon as we get her back we'll talk to her" I said

"you better I want my mate"

and with that we left attempting to track her which was hard her smell was basically gone like she had left a few days ago or she flew. I laughed at the thought it still doesn't make sense how could she have jumped without getting hurt. There was no blood no indication of someone landing or falling in that area it made no sense.

I sent warriors in all directions while I headed towards town. If we can't follow her scent we'll look for her the old fashion way.

After a bit I was worried I was going the wrong way but then I smelt her scent but stronger it was in a tree, I shifted and climbed up. I could smell her but she wasn't here, jumping down I shifted.

I had found a few other spots about the same they had her scent I followed them to a road and that's when I saw her walking she was a few miles away from town.

"how the heck did she get clear out here" Micheal mind linked me

"let's get her back"

Evans P.O.V:

I started walking down the road towards town.

I kept walking I was only a few miles away I turned around to make sure I was okay and there were my kidnappers they were a ways away but still they were running and gaining fast. I started running trying to get as much distance as possible.

Suddenly a SUV pulled up to me.

"get in" it was Bell.

I ran to the car but before I could get in I was tackled.

"Bell" I shouted.

She jumped out of the car and ran to come to my aid but she was pulled back my a man.

The Wolf and The WitchWhere stories live. Discover now