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Evans p.o.v

Has it been days?



Probably not months but honestly I'm not sure how long I've been here.

They pull me in and out of rooms, sticking pins and needles in me. I'm not sure what they're trying to do but I don't think its working.

I miss Bell and Micheal , I really miss king but most of all Ian...

I was pulled from my thoughts when i heard voices.

"Doctor are you sure this time it'll work? We're running out of both money and time"

I recognized the voice it was their leader.

"I'm almost positive. You see with the past formulas there was always something missing but I'm sure i got it this time. While any of those formulas would work on an ordinary human she's not ordinary. Shes a witch and as we both know while they live longer than humans they are still mortal so what's the one thing that can weaken a witch as well as kill it if given a large enough dose of it?"

Obviously this is the man creating the experiments.

"Witch hazel"


The door to my cage opened. And in came the Doctor and the Alpha.

"Come on my little witch its time for you to join us" the Alpha said with a wicked smile.

Ian's p.o.v

Its been two months since Evan went missing. And we have no idea where she is...

I don't know what to do...

We have nothing. We searched the mall but there were to many different scents mixed in to find hers or the man that took her. I'm lost.

"Ian" my mother yelled. "Ian" she entered my office. "Did you find anything?"

"If I did i wouldn't be here alone" I snarled.


My mother slapped me and she has an arm my head snapped to the side. I looked back at her stunned.

"Where are your manners! I don't care if you're the Alpha you respect me I am your mother!"

"I'm sorry"

Mom sighed. "Look I have to handle some business I want you to look after your siblings for a bit"

Almost immediately after she said that the twins, Aiden and Emily came running into the room and then walking in slowly was Cameron. Aiden and Emily were only about 8 and Cameron was 15 he pretty much stayed in his room all day very anti-social so it was weird that he was outside of it. Aiden and Emily both had my mom strawberry blonde hair but Aiden had my dads gray eyes while Emily had the purple ones and Cameron looked exactly like my father no sign of my mother in him at all. The funny part is that he's nothing like my dad personality wise.

"Perfect keep them entertained and I'll be back" my mom said leaving the room.

Me, Cameron, Emily, and Aiden just kind of stared at each other. I'm not super close to my siblings due to the age gap or maybe me never having time for them or a combo of both. Suddenly Emily jumped up onto the bed right next to me.

"Ian we should all play together!" She said enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" Aiden cheered.

"I think I'll just go to my room" Cameron whispered.

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