She's perfect

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Bellanies P.O.V:

After ordering the food I sat down to wait for Evan.

five minutes passed...

Then 10...

Then 15...

Okay now I'm officially way worried Evan never takes more than five minutes I waited longer only cause I got a little distracted. What food is life. I quickly headed to the bathroom.

"Evan?" I said walking into the bathroom. "Eva-oh...hi" I said waving awkwardly to the little old lady staring at me by the sinks clearing in the middle of washing her hands. "hi have you seen a girl with long brown hair about this tall?" I said holding my hand a few inches shorter than the top of my head.

"What was that dearie?" The lady asked.

"I said have you seen a girl with brown hair about this tall" I repeated speaking louder.

"Could you say that again? My ears aren't what they used to be" The lady smiled.

Again I repeated it only I shouted this time and the sweet smile faded from the lady's face.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners, It's rude to yell. Respect your elders they taught you everything you know." The old lady scolded and walked away.

"Well dang grandma maybe get a hearing aid" I mumbled but there was no one else in the bathroom.

I pulled out my phone and called answer. Really Evan...I tried answer. One more time..."We're sorry your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system Evan pierce is not available please leave your message after-" The robot voice cut off after I hung up. Evan's phone got turned off. Alright now to call Ian...but he's going to be really mad...but you have to for Evan...but...Telepathy first! I closed my eyes and concentrated...but again nothing. Okay...

"Hello" Ian's voice said through the phone.

"Hey Ian..." I said nervously mostly because one I lost my best friend and two because he told us not to leave the territory and well we did.


"Yeah hey listen don't get mad but Evan's gone..."

"WHAT!" Ian roared into the phone.

"I said don't get mad..."

"Where are you!"

"The food court at the mall"

"Don't move!"

"I-" Yep he hung up...I screwed up bad.

It had only been about 10 minutes when I saw a fuming Ian glaring daggers at me and a worried Micheal struggling to keep up with him.

Ian grabbed my neck and lifted me off the floor making it harder for me to breathe "where is Evan?" He said calmly which was honestly scared me more than if he would be yelling.

I was struggling to get words out "Ian-I-can't-"

"Ian put Bell down! She can't breath!" Micheal finally said grabbing Ian's arm.

Ian let go dropping me to the floor. I started gasping for air while Micheal sat beside me and rubbed my back.

"Ian! What's wrong with you? Bellanie is your mates best friend and my mate!" Micheal said sending daggers to Ian.

Ian's face fell "I'm sorry Bellanie my anger got the best of's just I don' want to loose her again.." Ian said sincerely.

"It's fine I understand I don't want to loose her either so lets find Evan. After all it is my fault she's gone..." I said trailing off with regret.

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