Evan abused? Maybe?

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Ian's P.O.V:

When I got home my dad wanted to see me I knocked on the door

"Enter" he boomed I sat down in one of the leather seats in front of his desk.

"So how'd it go" he asked.

"Well her name is Evan"

"That's a bit manly are you sure she's a girl" he chuckled

"Anyway yes I am sure she's a girl but when I asked if we could start over she said she didn't want to make friends and left"

"That's a bit strange"

I nodded "and then she wasn't at school today"

my dad thought long and hard

"Didn't you say she was incredibly thin"

I nodded "well it's kinda hard to tell she wears baggy cloths all the time but she does have a defined jawline and collarbone why? what are you getting at" my dad closed his eyes.

"Maybe she's getting abused at home" this made me growl at the thought.

My dad lifted his hand "think about it she wears baggy cloths, she's really thin, she has a boys name, and she doesn't want to make friends plus I can almost guarantee she doesn't talk much at school right" I nodded it does seem like it and she does walk home instead of getting a ride.

I stood up making the chair fall over and I started to leave.

"Wait" my dad yelled, I stopped "remember this is just an idea there's other options too  wait a while after you've calmed down before going and visiting her" I growled

"What if she's getting beat right now I could stop it" my dad narrowed his eyes.

"And what if she is simply went on a vacation or she accidentally slept in and skipped school you've done it" I huffed

"Fine I'll wait until tomorrow" I went down stairs and ate dinner afterwards I went up showered and slept.

Evan's P.O.V:

I slept the whole day and let me tell you it was amazing well the sleep was but after breakfast I had started puking again and so my stomach was empty. I tried eating again this time just a piece of toast and I couldn't even keep that down so I gave up trying to eat I'll try again tomorrow.

The sun a was setting and I crawled out of bed but when I stood up I fell back down my legs felt weak. I stood up again this time holding onto the wall I made it too my window and admired the beautiful light as it streamed through the trees.

I couldn't help but think about Ian he was so weird.

First he does all that weird creepy stuff and then he wants to start over like dude you didn't even apologize well he kinda did emphasis on the kinda he left out the I'm sorry for being creepy part but he did ask to start over to be honest I'm not sure why.

But whatever hopefully what I said will push him away though something in me felt sad thinking about him leaving me alone.

I rolled my eyes and went back to bed.

I got up in the middle of the night my throat felt like it was burning I got up a little too fast and fell back down I stood up slower this time and got a glass of water. About half way into finishing I needed to throw up again and I ran to the bathroom to do just that.

I hadn't eaten much all day and the food I did eat I had already thrown up and so instead of food I was throwing up water which you wouldn't believe but is actually grosser than throwing up food.

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