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Demi, Dallas, Ana, Ashley, Olivia, Little Mix, One Direction, Fifth Harmony, Taylor, Selena, Miley and I were all hanging out at Demi and I's flat we shared. Everytime I see Niall, Camila and Perrie, it reminds me of what Casper told Dallas and I the first time we saw him again after his death, and it reminds me of the time when we met them.
"Hey Cam," Niall said in his still heavy Irish accent as he walked over and gave me a hug. I still remember the day I met him.
I was standing with Demi on the red carpet taking pictures with her when a group of five boys walked up to us.
"Excuse us loves, are you Demi Lovato and Cameron Boone?" one of the boys, who had blonde hair, asked in a heavy Irish accent.
"Yes we are, who are you?" I asked.
"We're One Direction, this is Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn, and I'm Niall," the Irish boy said. Niall, that name sounded familiar. Wait a second.
"Niall Horan?" I asked. Niall looked shocked that I knew him.
"Yes, why?" Oh wow. This was the boy that Casper talked about visiting as an angel.
"Oh, no reason. I just remembered hearing someone talk about you," I replied. He nodded. From that day on, Demi, the boys and I became close friends.
~End of flashback~
"Hey Cam!" I heard a female British voice say behind me. I turned to see Perrie.
"Pez! How are ya?" I asked her.
"I'm good," she replied. I can remember the day I met her too.
"DEMI!! CAMERON!! OVER HERE!! OVER HERE!!!" the paps screamed as Demi and I tried frantically to get into a restaurant. As soon as we got in there, we saw four girls I recognized very easily. I pulled Demi down behind a bush.
"What was that for?" Demi asked.
"Do you see those four girls over there?" I asked her.
"Yeah, what about them?" she asked.
"That's Little Mix," I told her.
"Holy crap it is!" she exclaimed. Two of the girls from Little Mix, the blonde and light brunette ones, looked our way.
"Shhh!" I hissed at Demi.
"Why is Demi Lovato and Cameron Boone hiding behind a bush?" I heard a strong English accent ask. I looked up to see all four girls standing above us looking at us weirdly. I blushed, but Demi, being the weirdo she is, tried to play it cool.
"Oh, we were just inspecting the leaves on this bush to see if it's real or not." She pulled on the leaves, and they ripped in her hand. "Yep, they're real." she said. The blonde and the light brunette laughed. "Who are you?" Demi asked.
"We're Little Mix, I'm Jade, and this is Leigh Anne, Jesy and Perrie," the light brunette chick said. Perrie, Perrie, Perrie, where have I heard that name before? Oh yeah!
"Wait, Perrie Louise Edwards?" I asked. Man that must have sounded creepy. The blonde, who I'm guessing was Perrie, nodded her head slowly. From then on, the girls of Little Mix, Dems and I all became really close.
~End of flashback~
"Cam! Hey how are ya?" Camila asked as she bounded up to me with Lauren behind her trailing like a lost puppy. I hugged them both.
"I'm good, what about y'all?" I asked.
"We're good!" Camila exclaimed. Man, the day we met was so different from today.
I was helping Demi out at the show she was judging on, The X Factor. Since the guy that met all the contestants and told them when to go on was sick, I was taking his place. We already had a lot of really good contestants, including a teenage girl named Lauren Jauregui. A small girl walked up to me. She had long, brown, straight hair with chocolate brown eyes like Demi's.
"What's your name?" I asked her.
"Camila Cabello," she replied shyly. Holy crap, she was the girl that Casper told me about!
"That's cool, my name was supposed to be Camila too. My name's Cameron. How old are you Camila?"
"I'm 15."
"Awesome! I remember when I was 15. Who's this with you?" I asked as I looked at a little girl hiding behind Camila's leg.
"This is my mama Sinuhe, my papa Alejandro, and my little sister Sofi," Camila introduced.
"Aww. Where are you from?"
"Miami, Florida."
"That's interesting, there's another girl here from Miami that's about your age. That's actually where my twin brother Casper and I were born." She seems to perk up at Casper's name. "Wait a sec, you're the girl that made the video of all those pictures and videos of Casper a few years ago!" She nodded. "I loved that video! That was so sweet, I literally watch it every week." She seemed really happy that I said that.
"C-Can I get a picture with you?" she asked me.
"Of course! We have to make it quick though, you have to go on stage soon." We took a quick picture and exchanged numbers. Then it was her time to go on stage. She seemed really nervous. "Hey, don't be nervous. You'll do great Mila."
"Yep! It's my nickname for you. I know that you're gonna make it through and we're gonna become great friends."
~A FEW WEEKS LATER (still in the flashback)~
"Cam!" I heard three voices shout. I had been talking to Britney Spears about her acts. I turned around and saw Niall, Perrie and Camila running towards me.
"Hey guys!" I exclaimed as they all attacked me in a hug. Their bandmates all ran up after them.
"Camila! I'm sorry Miss Boone, Mila is a little excited about today," Ally said.
"Perrie, you can't just run off like that!" Leigh Anne scolded.
"Niall, quit running off!" Liam exclaimed.
"Guys, it's ok. I'm glad that y'all are here," I said. I gave the rest of Little Mix and One Direction hugs. I looked at the other 5H girls, and they just looked away. "C'mere!" I pulled them all in a hug. Soon, the Little Mix girls and the 1D boys joined the hug. I felt another pair of arms around me, and I turned to see Demi in the group hug. We all laughed at her. We all broke apart.
"Hey Demi," Niall said. I looked towards Perrie and saw that Zayn was holding her. I seriously hope they get married. We all left to go hang out.
~End of flashback~
"How are all y'all?" Dallas asked as she walked over to Mila, Lauren and I.
"We're good," Mila, Lauren and I said simultaneously.
"Cam, I have something to show you, Perrie, Niall, Ana and Mila. Follow me," Dallas informed Mila and I.
"Ok, bye Lauren. I'll talk to ya later," I replied. We got Perrie, Niall and Ana, and Dallas took us to my room, where Casper was sitting on my bed.
"Casper!" Niall, Perrie and Mila exclaimed.
"Casper! We missed you!" Dallas and I exclaimed.
"Wait, you four can see him?" Niall asked.
"Yeah, you can see him?" Perrie asked. Niall, Perrie and Camila were all really confused. Dallas, Casper and I laughed.
"Wait, you guys knew we could see him?" Mila asked Dallas, Ana and I.
"Yeah, we were the first ones to know. He told Cam and I who all he could visit when he visited us a month after his funeral," Dallas answered.
"Yeah, and Cam told me who all Casp could see after she found out I could see him," Ana added.
"So when you seemed to know who in was when we met, it was because Casper had told you about me," Niall, Perrie and Camila said to me all at the same time. Now that was creepy. They all shared weird looks with each other. Casper laughed.
"Yeah, all y'all can see me, hear me and communicate with me," he said.
"Hey Casper," I said as I went up and hugged him. "I missed you," I told him.
"I missed you," he replied. I pulled away, and everyone else hugged him.
"How's Trenton, Juliet and Jacob?" Dallas asked Casper.
"They're really good. Cam, Juliet is so beautiful now. I wish you could meet her. Maybe one day I can bring her and Trenton with me. Trenton and I are like brothers now, we're really close. Jacob, oh my goodness he is like an younger version of dad, it's hilarious. Speaking of dad, how is he?" I frowned, he must not know. Ana started crying, and I held her.
"Dad died a few months ago," I told him. I heard Camila, Perrie and Niall gasp beside me.
"Oh my goodness, why?" Casper said.
"He had lung cancer for six years. All those times he was away? He wasn't at the bar, he was at the hospital for chemo treatment," I replied.
"I'm so sorry," I heard Perrie whisper.
"It's ok Pez, we're okay now. It's not like we haven't dealt with death before," I said looking at Casper. "I honestly don't know which was worse, loosing my dad or my twin brother."
"I think losing my twin was the worst of it. When I can't visit you, I can't talk to you. At least now I can find dad," Casper replied.
"Hey guys!" I heard someone exclaim. "What are you doing in here?" I turned to see who it was. It was Ariana Grande!
"Wait, you know her?" Casper asked surprisingly. I nodded before running to hug her.
"Hey Ari! How are ya?" I asked.
"I'm good, what about you? I heard about your dad, I'm so sorry!"
"I'm okay, and thanks. I'm okay because I've dealt with something like this before."
"Oh yeah! I forgot about Casper. Oh, hey Camila!" Ariana was now looking behind me at Camila. Camila was standing there awestruck.
"Mila! Mila! Mila, Ariana Grande is here, in this house! OMG! OMG! OMG!" Ally exclaimed with Lauren freaking out behind her. Ally and Lauren froze when they saw Ariana.
"D-did you just hear that?" Lauren asked. Ariana laughed, and I just shook my head while laughing.
"Guys, it's just like the way you two acted when we met. Chill, it's just Ariana," I told them as I slung my arm around her shoulder. I turned behind me to see Casper watching everything with a smirk on his face. Normani and Dinah ran up behind Ally and Lauren.
"Guys! Ariana Grande is-" Dinah started to say. You could clearly tell that her and Normani were freaking out.
"Right here," Ariana finished. Dinah and Normani froze, and Ariana and I burst out laughing again. Ally pouted, and we laughed harder.
"Quit laughing at us!" Normani whined. I walked over and hugged her.
"Aww, is little Mani upset?" I asked in a baby voice. She slapped me playfully on the arm. I acted like I was hurt. A fake tears even slid down my cheek.
"Oh my gosh are you okay Cam?!" Normani exclaimed. "I'm so sorry!" I just laughed. She hit my arm again. "Don't do that!"
"Camila! Watch out!" Casper screamed. I whipped my head around to see a dart hurdling towards Camila's head. Lauren and Perrie screamed, and I pulled Camila down and out of the way of the dart. Ally and Normani dodged it too before it stuck itself into the wall.
"Thanks," Mila said as I helped her up.
"Uh, guys," Dinah said. "Look at the dart." She pointed to the wall where it landed. The wall had melted where the dart landed!
"Acid dart," Casper, Ana and I said at the same time.
"How do you know that?" Perrie asked.
"Our dad worked for the military before he died. They used those all the time," Ana explained.
"The question we need to be asking is who the hell would try and shoot Camila with one?" I said. Everyone nodded. I heard heavy footsteps running down the hallway to the room we were in. Demi, Zayn and Liam ran into the room.
"What happened? Are you guys okay?" Liam asked frantically.
"Liam, calm down. No, none of us are okay. We're all in danger now. Someone just tried to shoot Mila in the head with an acid dart," Dallas said calmly. I think Ana, Dallas, Casper and I were the only calm ones.
"Mila are you okay?" Demi asked concernedly as she walked over to us.
"I'm okay, just a little shaken," she replied.
"Who would do that though?" Zayn asked. I gasped.
"I think I know who did it," I said.
"Who? Who would do that?" Demi asked.
"Think about it Demi. Who's the only person who would do something like this that knows where we live?" I asked Demi.
"You really think Michael would do this?" She asked me. I nodded.
"Who's Michael? Please tell me it's not my dad," Lauren said.
"No no no! It's not your dad, he's a....kid from the high school we went to," I replied.
"Demi, I thought you were homeschooled after middle school after all the bullying?" Ally said in confusion.
"Yeah, I was, but when I was a sophomore, my management wanted me to try going to high school. That's where I met Cam and....Casper," Demi explained. Casper had disappeared by then.
"Well, Michael's dangerous. He has been in correctional facilities and rehab a lot. He's been forced to be in rehab like, 6 times. He's extremely dangerous," I told them. They all nodded. "If he can get his hands on one of those darts, there's no telling what he's got up his sleeve. We all need to be cautious from now on." Everyone nodded, and we all went back to the party.
I know, it's a crappy epilogue. I don't really know how to write one so yeah. So, if ya haven't already guessed, this was the last chapter of this book. Don't worry though! I'm going to write a sequel to this one, and it'll have some of y'all in it if ya wanna be in it. If ya wanna be in it, just PM me or comment on this chapter telling me your name, age and who y'all wanna be in the story. Thanks so much for putting up with the numerous author's notes in this book and for how short it is, but I couldn't think of anything except for what's happening in the future. Thanks again for y'all's support and everything, and that's it until I post the info on the sequel and the little thank you note.

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