Goodbye Casper

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"Casper, are you ready to go?" I asked as mom signed the release papers.
"Yeah, Cam. Are you okay? You've been off lately," Casper replied.
"I'm fine." Honestly, I haven't been fine since Casper was put in the hospital. I had started cutting more, especially since the popular kids at school thought it would be funny if I was picked on since my brother was in the hospital. Demi tried to stand up for me, but they picked on her more. Dallas helped a lot because everyone looked up to her and did as she said.
"Alright, don't think this will end here though," he responded, "Where's Demi?"
"Sh-she can't c-come," I stuttered, "I'm going to be honest with you since you're my twin. Demi's manager called and is sending her back to LA because she has been severely bullied since you've been here. The stress has really gotten to her Casp. She hasn't eaten at all, and she is cutting a lot more," I whispered the last part because no one could know that Demi Lovato cuts and has eating disorders.
"Call her, I want to talk to her." I searched her contact and hit the call button.
"It's ringing."
"DEMI! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU'RE MOVING!... YOU VISITED ME YESTERDAY!.. THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE!" he yelled into the phone. I took it from him before he could continue. I heard Demi sobbing on the other end.
"Shhh, Demi. He's just mad you didn't tell him. Yeah... I'll be over in a minute," I told her. I ended the call, not able to hold in my anger any longer. "SHE IS SOBBING RIGHT NOW! ARE YOU HAPPY THAT YOU MADE HER CRY?! SHE'S GOT ENOUGH ON HER PLATE WITHOUT YOU SCREAMING AT HER!!!"
"I-I'm sorry."
"No, you can't apologize for this one. You were just selfish. You can't take her having to leave YOU for work and helping OTHER PEOPLE! You broke her, do you realize that? Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to help my friend. All because my BROTHER, her BOYFRIEND, couldn't handle himself. Besides, you should be apologizing to Demi, not me." After saying that, I walked out, telling mom and dad I was going to Demi's and to not let Casper come over there.
"YOU HAVE SOME NE- hey Cam, Demi's in the living room. Sorry, I thought you were Casper," Dallas said as I walked through the door. I could hear sobbing from in here.
"It's alright. My brother was being a jerk. he thought he could get away after by apologizing to me. I yelled at him and left. Have you called Marissa?" I responded.
"Yeah, she'll be here in fifteen minutes." Then the door bell rang. "Or maybe now," Dallas chuckled. She went to open the door and I went and sat with Demi. When she saw me she started sobbing even harder and jumped in my arms.
"Shhh, Dems. It's alright. He's a jerk. He is a selfish jerk." I looked at her, grabbing her wrists. She flinched in pain and I immediately looked at her wrists. Her sleeves had blood spots on them, I knew she had cut recently. "Demi, look at me." I forced her chin up so she had to look me in the eye. "Don't let that jerkface get to you like this." She nodded and I pulled her in for another hug. I sat there with her in my arms and rubbing her back when I heard Dallas shouting with a voice I knew all too well. I helped Demi off the couch, and we walked into the foyer. There stood my brother. Demi buried her face into my shirt and started crying again. When he caught sight of us, he tried coming towards us. "No! You broke her you jerk! She had finally stopped crying, and you had to show up! Why don't you do us a favor and get out! She obviously hates you right now, so GET OUT!!! I MEAN IT! YOU SCARE HER, JUST LEAVE!" I shouted, tightening my grip on Demi. His face hardened.
"I DON'T HAVE TO LEAVE! SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND. SHE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND, SO WHY ARE YOU HELPING HER?! ARE YOU SURE IT'S ME SHE HATES?! SHE HATES YOU, A FAT, UGLY, STUPID, WORTHLESS PIG! NO WONDER I HATE YOU!!" Casper yelled. A flash or recognition swept over his face when he realized what he had said. "Cam, I-I didn't mean-" He started before I cut him off.
"Yes you did Casper. You wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true. Just get out," I replied queitly.
"She said get out. You better listen before I call the cops, Boone," Dallas spat. After he left, Demi burst into more tears. "It's ok, Demz. He's gone," Dallas told her, walking over. "Cam, don't let him get to you. He's mad that Demi trusts you and not him."
"He's a selfish, self-centered jerk. He just wants me to leave Demi so he can be the big man. Wait until the triplets hear that he made Demi Lovato cry. He's gonna get it when I get home, if I go home," I told Dallas. She chuckled at my comment on my sisters.
"Where would you go?" Demi asked after she calmed down.
"Probably go to LA with you, find myself an apartment. I just have to be away from him."
"You could stay with me," Demi said hopefully.
"If you're okay with it." The doorbell rang. This time I answered, it was Marissa. "Hey Mar. Good thing it's you this time," I said giving her a hug.
"What do you mean 'this time'? What happened?" She asked as we went into the living room.
"Casper showed up and insulted Cam because she was protecting Demi from him," Dallas explained.
"Oh, are you alright Cam?" Marissa asked.
"Yeah, I was more worried about Demi. She almost had an anxiety attack. All because of my brother, who WAS my rock." I put emphasis on was.
"What exactly did he do?"
"I told him Demi had to go back to LA because she asked me to. He was furious and told me to call her. I thought he wouldn't be hard on her, but then he was yelling at her through the phone. I took the phone from him and Demi asked me to come over here through her sobs. I yelled at him for making her cry and left. Of course he followed me and insulted me. He just left. I know one thing, I'm going to explain everything to my parents, pack some stuff, and leave. Demi said I could live with her in LA, so I'll pack and leave that house."
"I honestly think that is a good decision. He shouldn't have said anything to Dems like that, and he definitely shouldn't have spoken to you that way," Dallas told me. "Well, Marissa, we'll be back. I'm taking Cam over to her house now to get her stuff and she'll stay with us. Call if he shows up."
"Alright, I will," she replied. With that, Dallas and I left.
"Mom, dad, I need to tell you something."
"Shoot away, Cam. But first, who is this?" Mom said, gesturing to Dallas.
"This is Dallas, Demi's older sister."
"Pleasure to meet you," dad said.
"You too sir," Dallas replied cooly, though I could tell she was fuming at Casper, who stood in the doorway of the room.
"Well, I'm not sure how to say this, but I'm going to LA with Demi. Before you protest, let me explain. Your... son, caused Demi to cry and have an emotional meltdown because she has to move back to LA. He yelled at her when I called, and she was sobbing when I grabbed the phone from him. I told him not to come near her, but he followed me to her house. She broke down once he left because he insulted me. She does not trust him anymore. She needs comfort, but Marissa nor any of her family can go with her to LA. Please let me go, I won't be staying here anyway, so I should go with her to help her. I'm sorry, but I can't stay under the same roof as Casper after what he did," I explained.
"What did you say Casper?" Mom asked.
"I didn't-" he started.
"CASPER RICHARD BOONE! WHAT DID YOU SAY TO YOUR SISTER TO CAUSE DEMI TO BREAK DOWN?!!!" My dad yelled. Casper was silent, of course. "What did he say Cameron?" He asked calmer.
"He called me an ugly, fat, worthless, stupid pig that he hates. He asked why I was helping Demi because she hated me as well," I replied, holding back tears. Dallas came and put a hand on my shoulder, and she have me a reassuring smile.
"Casper, go to you room and do not come out until I tell you," mom told him. He stormed off to his room and we heard his door slam. "Cameron, we aren't going to stop you from going with Demi, you need to get away from your brother, and she needs someone to be there for her. You can go pack your things. Please, just call us if anything happens," she told me quietly. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.
"Thank you mom, for everything," I whispered in her ear before pulling away. Dallas and I walked upstairs to see my little sisters in the hallway with tears in their eyes.
"D-did Casper r-really do t-that to o-our hero?" Olivia asked. I walked towards her and she wrapped her arms around me.
"Yeah, babygirl, he did," I said sadly.
"A-and a-are you really l-leaving?" Ashley asked.
"Yeah baby, I can't stay here with him. I promise I'll visit when I get the chance. Where's Ana?"
"In our room. She's practicing her music. She's really good, Cam, almost as good as Demi," Olivia informed me. I smiled, my little sister was following in her idol's footsteps. I walked quietly into her room, and I listened to her strum her guitar and sing. She was singing her song, the one that always kept her strong. It was God Gave Me You.
"I've been a walking heartache
I've made a mess of me
The person that I've been lately
Ain't who I wanna be
But you stay here right beside me
And watch as the storm blows through
And I need you"
I stepped in the room and joined for the chorus.
"Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you
Gave me you"
Ana stopped singing, and I sung the next verse.
"There's more here than what we're seeing
A divine conspiracy
That you, an angel lovely
Could somehow fall for me
You'll always be love's great martyr
And I'll be the flattered fool
And I need you
Ashley and Olivia walked in and the four of us sang the chorus.
"God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you"
Dallas walked in and stood by me. Ashley and Olivia sang the next verse hand in hand.
"On my own I'm only
Half of what I could be
I can't do without you
We are stitched together
And what love has tethered
I pray we never undo"
All five of us sang the last part together.
"Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you, gave me you
He gave me you"
I looked in the doorway to see mom standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes.
"That was beautiful," she said, surprising everyone else. "Ana, you are gifted with that guitar." Ana blushed and looked away. I hugged her.
"You have a great voice," I whispered in her ear.
"Yours is even better. I wish we could do that more often, but I understand why you're leaving," she whispered back. She was crying. I bent down until we were eye level.
"Ana baby, remember, if you need to talk about anything, I'm a phone call away. Even if it's 3 am, call, text, Skype, FaceTime, whatever. I will listen," I told her. She nodded, and I wrapped my arms around her.
"Mrs. Boone, was Casper in his room when you came up?" Dallas asked.
"I don't know, his door was shut, why?" She answered. Dallas turned to me.
"He's there. Marissa just texted me. He is hurting Demi," she snarled. Ana shrunk back into me.
"Ana, she's not going to hurt you. She's mad at him. It's ok. I have to go and help her," I said releasing Ana.
"We can help! If he sees what he is doing to us by hurting her, he'll stop," Olivia cried.
"No. You guys aren't coming because you could get hurt. We'll be back." Dallas and I ran out of the house. She ran to her car but I kept running.
"Where are you going?!" She shouted.
"I'm going to yours! It's faster running than in a car!" I shouted back and kept running. Soon, I arrived at the front step. The front door was open and I could hear Demi crying, pleading for help. I found Marissa unconscious by the front door. She had no severe injuries that I could see, so I kept going. I looked into the living room, and there was my own brother punching, kicking, and slapping the one he loved the most. I walked up behind him. Demi was curled into a ball, sobbing and begging him to stop. He was screaming all kinds of things at her, things I will NEVER repeat. I brought my hand up and slapped him hard on the side of his head. He backed up, shocked, and clutched his head. He was defenseless, and so I punched him square in the nose, breaking it. Then I kicked him where it hurts, and he sank to his knees in pain.
"Now, you have somewhat of feeling what you just did to her. You will never, EVER, be my brother again. Ana, Ashley, and Olivia agree, and they all hate you. Get away from us and NEVER come back. I do have the right to send you to jail. Demi, her family, Marissa, and my family has the right to press charges. Don't think we won't. Now GET OUT," I said calmly. He scrambled to his feet and limped out the door. I immediately ran to Demi. "DEMI! Demi it's me, hang on alright I'm calling to ambulance," I told her.
At that moment, Dallas ran in.
"Demi!" She yelled, dropping to her knees.
"Dallas, I'm calling the ambulance for her and Marissa. Just keep her awake," I instructed. She nodded and I walked out to Marissa. She was awake, but was obviously in a lot of pain as she tried to sit up. I gently pushed her back down. "Mar, stay down. I'm going to help you into the living room with Demi and Dallas, then I'm calling the ambulance.
Just then, my mom and sisters ran in. Ana saw Marissa and rushed over to help. Soon, Ashley and Olivia helped us get her into the living room. I helped her lay down on the couch. I turned to Ana.
"Ana, take my phone and go call the ambulance. Wait outside for them when you're done, okay?" She nodded and took off. "Mom, can you get two washcloths and wet them? When you're done bring them here. They're under the sink in the bathroom. First door on the right," I said pointing. She ran off, and Ashley helped me takes Marissa's shirt off to examine her wounds thoroughly. Her side and stomach were covered in cuts and bruises. Mom brought me the washcloths and I told Ashley to press with the cloth gently on the bleeding cuts to stop the blood, and then to clean them of the blood.
I walked over to Demi. Dallas and Olivia helped me remove Demi's shirt and I brushed my hand over her ribs. She screamed in pain. Her ribs are broken. I put my hand on her cheek and told Dallas what to do with the washcloth. Demi's sides and stomach were completely covered in bloody cuts and bruises. Olivia and I took off her pants and I examined her legs. They were worse than her sides.
"Mom, go wet another cloth. Bring a towel when you come back," I said. She ran back with the cloth and towel. I handed the towel to Olivia and pressed the cloth gently onto Demi's leg to stop the bleeding. I watched Dallas about to press on Demi's side.
"Wait!"I stopped Dallas. "Olivia, give me the towel." She handed me the towel and I crawled over to Demi's head. "Open your mouth Demi. I'm going to put this in. Bite down on it if you need to scream." I put the towel in her mouth. "Go ahead Dallas." Demi grabbed my hand, squeezed it, and started screaming in pain as Dallas pressed on her side. It stopped bleeding, and Dallas put the cloth down. I took the towel out of Demi's mouth, and she let go of my hand.
I went over to Marissa. All the cuts but one had stopped bleeding. Ashley was about to press on that one again, but I stopped her. "Mom, Ash, I need your help. Help me bring Marissa into a more comfortable position. I'll be right back." I ran into Demi's old room, and grabbed three pillows. I gave them to Ash. Mom helped me bring Marissa into a sitting position. Ash quickly laid the pillows under her, and we laid Marissa back down. "That cut will need stitches." Then, Ana ran in with four paramedics and two stretchers. First, they lifted Marissa onto a stretcher, and then Demi. She screamed in pain when they touched her ribs. "I think she broke her ribs," I informed the paramedic.
"Two of you can go in each ambulance. Who is related to either?" A medic asked.
"I am Demi's sister," Dallas said.
"Then you'll go in Miss Lovato's ambulance. What about Miss Callahan?"
"None of her family is here," I said.
"Cam..." Marissa groaned. I rushed to her side.
"Yes Mar?"
"Don't leave me," she whispered.
"I'll go with Miss Callahan. Olivia, you go with Demi and Dallas, Ash, you're with me. Ana, I need you to go with mom. Mom, you and Ana follow the ambulances to the hospital." Everyone nodded and spread. I ran alongside Marissa, with Ashley beside me. We got into the ambulance, and the medics began working on Mar. I held her hand the entire time. We got to the hospital, and a nurse came to me and told us to wait in a private waiting room. Soon, Dallas, Mom, Ana, and Olivia were brought in. I phoned Demi's family, telling them where to meet us. Ten minutes later, we were greeted with three more worries faces. Dallas was pacing around the room, so I stood up and grabbed her shoulders.
"Dallas! Calm down, Demi and Marissa will be okay. At most they'll have a few broken limbs and cuts," I said. She finally sat down. A doctor came in.
"Miss Cameron Boone?" He asked. I stood up. "Follow me."
I followed him into the hallway down from the room we were in. "Miss Callahan has several cuts and bruises, as well as a deep gash in her side. We stitched up her side, and she should be fine. Miss Lovato, I'm afraid, isn't as well. She has five broken ribs, many cut and bruises, and a fractured fibula. We examined the cuts, and it seems that some are old. Are you aware of her ever... self harming?"
"Yes, she has been self harming for a while, but she had stopped. She recently started again," I replied calmly.
"Ok, also, she is extremely underweight. Are you aware of any eating disorders of hers?"
"Yes, she hardly ever eats. I also know that she purges."
"Ok. Thank you. If you would like, you can tell the people waiting, and I will take you to their rooms. We have put their rooms side by side."
"Ok, I will inform them. Thank you doctor."
"Your welcome."

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