How Could You?!

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Demi's POV

Cam was trying to calm me down when I realized Dallas had been up there a while. I got up to go to Casper's room, but Cam stopped me.

"Where are ya going?" she asked.

"I'm going to check on Casper and Dallas. I want to make sure he didn't hurt her," I replied.

"I'm coming with you then." We got up and went upstairs. I heard Casper start yelling, and then I heard mumbling that was Dallas. All of a sudden, it all stopped. It was completely quiet. I opened the door to see Casper making out with my sister.

"DALLAS?!!!" I screamed. Tears had started streaming down my face. Dallas shoved Casper off of her.

"You jack*ss!!" she screamed at him. Cam ran into the room as Dallas ran to me.

"Don't even touch me!" I yelled at her. I ran down the steps and outside towards our house with Dallas on my heels. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" There were paps everywhere.



I couldn't keep running. I fell to the ground, and soon enough, Dallas fell beside me and wrapped her arms around me. I tried to push her off, but I didn't have enough energy. The paps were crowding around us, and I started to have a panic attack. Dallas saw and tried to get them away.

"Get away from us! Give her some room!" she yelled. No one moved. "Shh, Demi, shh. It's ok, it's ok." She tried to help, but nothing worked. She put my head on her chest. "Demi, do you feel my heartbeat and breathing? Try to match them, in and out. In and out. In and out." I finally calmed down. She helped me stand up and walk to the house. I kept trying to get away from her, but I ended up falling every time. We finally got to the house. Eddie and mom rushed up to us.

"Oh my god what happened?" Mom asked worriedly.

"Ask Dallas," I spat as I went upstairs. I had finally regained my energy.

"Demi! I didn't do anything! He kissed me!" she yelled after me as she ran up behind me. I heard Eddie stop her.

"Give her some time to cool down Dallas," he said. I ran into my room and slammed the door. I locked it so no one could get in. I turned around to see Maddie sitting on my bed, looking terrified.

"What are you doing in here?" I snapped. She started crying.

"Oh god. Maddie, I'm sorry. I'm really stressed right now."

"Wh-what happened?" she asked me.

"Nothing baby girl. Everything's fine."

"Well obviously it's not! You're screaming at your own sister, and then you come and snap at your other sister! Tell me the truth, what happened?" I was shocked by my little sister's outburst. I sighed. Might as well tell her, it's not like her 6 year old self would understand right?

"Dallas kissed Casper." She gasped.

"Oh, sis. It's ok. I highly doubt Dallas was the one behind this though."

"Oh really?! So you think my boyfriend would cheat on me with my sister?!"

"Think about it Demi! Dallas loves you too much to do that to you!"

"Casper loves me too much too!"

"Whatever Demi. Just ask yourself these simple questions. Who do you know better? Who do you care about losing more? And I'm not just talking about losing Dallas, you would lose me too because you don't care enough to trust your sister, so you wouldn't care enough to trust me either," She said with tears streaming down her face. She unlocked the door and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her. I sat on the bed.

God Gave Me Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें