Casper's Back

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Before you read this chapter, I want y'all to read this author's note and the one at the end. Today is @jazzydaunicorn's birthday, and she is so awesome. Could you guys go follow her? Please? Also, because I couldn't do this on her birthday, @CarolynD's birthday was last week, and she's very awesome too. Please please please go follow her as well. So a happy birthday to both of them. Thanks.
It had been a month since Casper's funeral. I was hanging out with Selena, Miley, Taylor, Marissa, Dallas and Demi for the last time before Selena and I left. I was going on tour with Selena in a week! I was extremely excited, but I was also upset because this had been Casper and I's dream: to open up for a pop star on their tour. Selena and I had some interviews to go to before we left, and Demi was going to one of them to be interviewed with me about Casper.
"Cam! Jump!" Dallas exclaimed. We were at a trampoline place called Skyzone in Memphis, TN. I started jumping off, and then I did a flip into the foam pit. I climbed out to the girls all cheering. I looked at my watch as I jumped back, and I rammed into someone. I fell back on the ground.
"Hey! Watch where you're-" I started as I looked up. It was Casper.
"Hey sis," he said.
"Casper!" I exclaimed. I looked over at the girls, and they all seemed quizzical as to why I was talking to Casper, well, all of them except Dallas. She ran over.
"Casper! Oh my god we missed you!" she exclaimed as she threw her arms around Casper. I hugged him as well.
"Casper, who all can see you?" I asked him.
"You two, Ana, and three people I don't know. Their names are Perrie Edwards, Niall Horan, and Camila Cabello. Jacob told me the three of them would somehow be linked to you guys. I don't know how though," Casper replied.
"Interesting, now I want to meet them," Dallas said.
"Yeah, me too," I added.
"Well, I have a question for you two, how are y'all?" Casper asked.
"We're okay, we're still heartbroken, but we're moving on," Dallas answered.
"Yo Lovato! Boone! C'mon, y'all gotta head to the interview!" Miley yelled.
"Well, you heard Miley, we gotta go. Bye Casper," I said as I hugged him.
"Bye Cam, bye Dal," Casper said. Then he vanished. Dallas and I ran over to Selena, Taylor, Demi, Miley and Marissa.
"Who were you guys talking to?" Taylor asked.
"Oh, no one," we said at the same time. We started laughing.
"At least you guys are happy now," Selena said. We were all laughing. "Alright let's go." We all got in our cars and took off to the interview. Once we got there, Selena, Demi and I went to get changed, and Dallas, Marissa, Miley and Taylor just hung out. Selena was having her interview first, and then it was Demi and I.
"And we're back! This time we have two talented young woman that are good friends with our last guest. Please welcome Demi Lovato and Cameron Boone!" The interviewer introduced. "Hello girls! How are you?"
"We're good," Demi told him.
"That's good. Now, down to business. How are you two about the late Casper Boone? If I'm not mistaken, Cam, you were his younger sister, and Demi, you were his extremely close friend."
"Actually, I am his twin sister, and Demi is his girlfriend," I corrected.
"Why do you say you are? Hasn't he passed on?"
"Yes he has, but he's still alive in our hearts," Demi replied. I looked to the side of the stage where Dallas, Taylor, Selena, Miley and Marissa were. Casper was standing there with them, and I couldn't help but smile. "Why are you smiling Cam?" Demi asked me.
"Oh, I was just thinking of some of the memories I had with Casper," I answered.
"Ooh! Speaking of which, a fan made this adorable video of pictures and videos of Casper. They found every picture and video they could to make the video,"the guy said as he put the video on. There were really cute pictures and videos on it. There were pictures of Casper and I, family photos, school pictures, pictures of Casper, Demi and I, Demi and our families together, all kinds of pictures. Even pictures of Casper in the studio or on the stage at a concert. There were even ones from when we went to one of Demi's concerts when we were younger. The video was playing our songs in the background, including his song "Who Are You To Say". I had tears in my eyes as the last picture was of Demi, Dallas, Casper and I with our arms around each other's shoulders. We had our backs turned, but our heads were turned so you could see our faces. A river was in the background. We all looked like we'd been caught in the act of murder or something. The video ended with a video of Casper being interviewed by Nick.
"What has been your favorite part of knowing Demi?" Nick asked.
"Um, really getting to see her interact with my family and being able to interact with hers. She's been a great part of my life for the past 7 months, Casper replied.
"And what about Demi and Cam's relationship?"
"I'm so happy for the both of them. I know they were both at a bad point before they went to treatment, and I'm glad they made the decision to go. I'm even happier that they were able to be roomed together and help each other through everything they went through there. Demi and Cam are the most important people in my life, and they are the best things that ever happened to me," Casper said as the video faded out on his last sentence.
"We have one last video to show you two, can you get it up there?" the interviewer guy said. I looked at Casper, and he mouthed "Camila Cabello made the last one." I nodded and mouthed, "Who made this one?" He mouthed back with "Perrie Edwards." I nodded again as they got the video up. It was a video that Casper apparently created.
"Is it on?" he asked whoever was taping it.
"Yeah, it's on," came Taylor's voice. I smiled. Maybe they were closer than I thought.
"Okay, good. Okay, hey guys! So if you're watching this that means that I've died or left you to pursue my dreams with my sister, Cam. If I've died, I want to say something to Cam. Cam, you are the best twin sister anyone could ever ask for. I couldn't imagine my life without you. If I didn't have you, my dreams of being a singer would have never come true. You are my sister, but you're more than that: you're my best friend. Most guys would never say that about their sister, but I think everyone can agree that I'm not like most guys. I have some people I want to say thank you to.
First of all, I want to say thanks to my parents: Drake and Jessica Boone. You guys are the reason I'm here. I'm so thankful that I have you guys as my parents. Mom, you are truly the best mom ever. Dad, your awesome. You were like my only friend besides Cam before I met Demi. I love you guys so much.
I want to say thank you to my little triplet sisters: Ana, Ashley and Olivia. You guys are so special to me, I couldn't imagine life without you either. You three, don't be afraid to follow your dreams.
Demi, Demi I love you. You changed my life that day in Mr. Harvey's office. I know for sure you changed Cam's life. I want to say that the 7 months that we were together were the best 7 months of my life. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Dallas, oh Dallas. There are several times in our brother/sister relationship where you come close to ripping my head off. I still love you like a sister though. You are a great girl, and I can't wait to see who you become in the future.
Maddie, you're like the baby sister I never had. I have so many sisters, but I was glad to call you my 'sister'. Never give up on your dreams kiddo.
Marissa, we had a very bad meeting. I put you in the hospital, and Dallas swore she would kill me for it. You were an amazing friend though, even though I did almost kill you.
Dianna and Eddie, man, you guys were like my second parents. Every time I couldn't be at home, you place was my home away from home. You guys cared for me like I was your own son, even when I put Demi in the hospital.
Nick, Nick you're like the brother I never had. I grew up in a house with four girls and two guys, but you were like the third guy at our house. You're like my brother and best friend.
Taylor, Selena and Miley, I honestly didn't know you guys that well. I knew you through Demi, and we were friends, but it's not like I knew your backgrounds. You were great friends though. Never quit doing what you love, all three of you.
Sam, Sam let me tell you something. You broke me down for years. Leaving that high school was the best choice I ever made, but I want to thank you. I want to thank you because without your hatred for me, I wouldn't be where I am today.
All my amazing fans, you guys are awesome. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be pursuing my dreams.
All the Lovatics, now this is a weird thank you. I just want to thank you guys for everything, for accepting Cam and I into the Lovatic family, and I want to thank you for all the adorable fanfics you guys wrote. Don't think I never read them, cause I did. Also, I want to thank you for accepting Demi and I's relationship even though I did so many terrible things to her. You guys are awesome.
Finally, to everyone I listed in this video and even more, no matter where I go or where you guys go, I'll always be with you, in your hearts, same as you'll be in mine. You guys are the reason I was ever alive, you were the reason that I'm happy, you're the reason I am smiling as I make this video. I want all of you to remember this: Your life is what you make it out to be, so make it the way you want it to be," Casper said.
"That's a wrap!" Taylor exclaimed in the background. Video Casper's eyes were filed with tears, and so were mine and Demi's. I looked side stage and saw that everyone had tears in their eyes, and Casper was crying. Casper mouthed "I love you", and then he vanished. Demi and I talked a little more with the interviewer, and then the interview was over. Demi and I walked off stage as Dallas, Selena, Miley, Taylor, Marissa, Demi and I all had a group hug. I felt a hand on my back, and I turned to see Sam standing there. I gasped, and Dallas stood in front of Demi and I protectively.
"Look, I just want to talk to Cameron and Demi," Sam said. I stepped out from Dallas's shadow.
"Whatever you want to say to us you can say to all of us," I told him. He sighed.
"I really want to apologize. I was doing some stuff I shouldn't have been when I bullied y'all, and I didn't have me head on straight. I'm so sorry about everything that happened. I totally understand if you hate me now, but I just want you to know that your stories inspired me to get help. I've been clean and sober for 4 months as of yesterday. I wouldn't have been able to get the help I needed if it hadn't been for you guys. Again, I'm really sorry for how stupid I was," Sam explained. Wow, I couldn't believe it. The leader of the high school I used to go to have problems! He really meant the apology too! Man, this is crazy. Demi and I caught up a little with Sam, and then it was time for us to go.
"Cam, I'm gonna miss you so much," I told her as we hugged. She was leaving on tour with Sel for 3 months, but before she comes back, I go on tour for 4 months. We won't see each other for 7 months!
"I'll miss you too Dems, I'll miss you too," Cam replied.
"Promise to contact me everyday?"
"I promise." I pulled away from the hug and gave Sel a hug.
"Sel I'm gonna miss you," I told her. Her and I were close, but we weren't near as close as Cam and I.
"I'll miss you too Demi. I'll contact you everyday okay?" she replied.
Flight 742 is now boarding for takeoff. Flight 742.
Dallas, Maddie, Selena's family, Cam's family and of course Taylor, Miley and I all waved goodbye as Sel and Cam grabbed their stuff and headed out to the gate. We started to walk away.
"DEMI! DEMI!" I heard Cam shriek. I turned to see her running full speed to me. I grabbed her as she came hurdling towards me. She hugged me tightly, and I hugged her even tighter. "I'll see ya later Dems," she whispered.
"See ya later Cam," I replied. We pulled apart, and she ran back to the gate. I smiled and ran to catch up with everyone.
So a lot of you thought the book was already over. Not quite. I've decided that this is the last chapter, and the next thing I publish will be the epilogue. Don't fret though! I am going to make a sequel to this book. I'm not sure of the name of it yet, but I know it will take place in present time, starting in March 2014. There will be new characters and drama, so watch out. Thanks for reading this guys.

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