Jonas Brothers

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I am so excited! Phil called me earlier and said that I was going on the Jonas Brothers- Burnin' Up Tour. There are two things I hate about this though. One, I will be away from family and friends for a while. Two, since Cam's family found out about her "problems", she's in rehab and I won't get to be there when she gets out. They expect her to be there for only another month at the rate she is progressing. Her mom went and saw her, and Cam told her to tell me that she was only doing it for me. She knew I would want her to stay strong. While I'm gone, I will keep Casper updated, and he will pass all the news on to Camila.
"Demi! Are you ready? The boys are outside!" Mom called up the steps.
"Yeah! Is Casper here?" I called back. I ran out of my room and down the steps.
"Yes, honey."
"Where is he then?" I saw my sisters trying to hold in a laugh. What's going on? Just then someone grabbed me by the waist and slung me over their shoulder. I screamed, and then the person ran outside and set me down. I turned around and squealed, "Casper!"
"Hey Dems," he said. then I felt two sets of hands lift me up and throw me into the pool. I swam to the surface and saw Kevin, Nick, Joe, and Casper rolling on the ground laughing. Nick and Joe were laughing the hardest, so I knew they threw me in.
"Well, is anyone gonna help me out?" I asked after they had calmed down. Nick and Joe ran over and grabbed my arms. I pulled on them, and they flipped into the pool. When they came up, Dallas, mom, dad, and Maddie were all outside and everyone was laughing their heads off. Nick, Joe, and I got out of the pool, and I decided we should have some fun. I whispered my plan into their ears and we went into action.
"Maddie, come here, you look like you want a hug," Joe said. Maddie screamed and ran with Joe chasing after her.
"Dal, you look like you need a hug too," Nick exclaimed with his arms open wide. She ran off like Maddie did with Nick chasing her. I turned to Casper and held my arms out.
"What's the use? Come here!" He told me with his arms outstretched. He came to me and was about to hug me when I pushed him in the pool. I saw that Nick and Joe had gotten Maddie and Dallas as well. Casper climbed out, and I got another idea.
"GROUP HUG!!!" I yelled, and everyone turned to mom, dad, and Kevin. We all ran after them and finally caught them. Then we all went into the house or the tour bus and changed. After everyone changed we said our goodbyes, and I got on the bus. I was crying, and Nick was comforting me. Before we had left, Casper whispered to me, "Stay strong Demi. If not for yourself, for all of us and Cam. Please." I told him I would, and I was determined to keep that promise.
~OCTOBER 23, 2010~
Today has been stressful. I heard that someone ratted out on me and some friends, and mom and dad confronted me about it. I'm pretty sure it was my dancer, Alex Welch, that told. I have been on edge lately, and everyone knows it. I couldn't keep my promise to Casper, and now that stresses me out even more. Now we are about to rehearse for the concert tomorrow, and I will confront Alex.
I punched her. I didn't mean for it to happen. I was just so mad, and I've been on edge. As soon as I realized what happened, I ran off stage and into the bathroom, not bothering to lock the door. I grabbed my blade out of my shoe, and I sliced it across my wrist. I did it several times before I finally felt better. I grabbed a towel and pressed it on my arms. I cleaned myself off and walked out. Phil was standing there with the rest of my management and my parents.
"Demi, we need to talk," mom said.
Guys, I know this one is short and I'm sorry. I didn't want to have to keep skipping to a different time. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to my friend, Troy. When I was going through a tough time last year, and even now, he is and was helping me through it. He makes me laugh, and even better, he makes me happy. It's not that easy to make me happy either. He holds a special place in my heart, same as Lacey and Kayla. The thing is, people judge him because he's short, but they don't actually know him. If they got to know him, they would know he is very sweet.
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