A Choice

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Dallas, Eddie and I watched at Casper jumped and hung himself.
"NOOOO!!!!" Dallas screamed. I pulled her out of the shed as Eddie called 911 and cut Casper down.
"Dallas, it's ok. He's gonna be okay," I soothed.
"N-no he's not Nick. I know he's not. He's dead, I know he is," Dallas replied. The ambulance pulled up then. The paramedics all ran into the shed, except for one. The man came over to us.
"Are any of you related to Casper Boone?" he asked.
"No, we're not," I replied.
"Who is closest to him?"
"I'm his girlfriend's sister, I'm the closest," Dallas spoke up. He looked at Dallas, then at me, and finally at Eddie, who had just come out of the shed.
"You all follow us in your cars, and please contact the relatives of him." We nodded and got in the cars as he helped get Casper into the ambulance. Dallas was in my truck with me, and Eddie drove his car. I called Casper's dad, Drake, and Dallas called Diana.
~CONVO~ (N=Nick D=Drake)
D: Hey Nick, what's wrong?
N: I need you to meet us at the hospital.
D: Why? What happened?
N: Casper tried to kill himself.
D: Oh my god, we'll be there as soon as we can.
N: Ok, hurry.
Dallas was still on the phone, but she was sobbing. She looked at me.
"Sh-she w-wants t-to talk t-to y-you," she cried. I took her phone.
~CONVO~ (N=Nick D=Dianna)
D: Nick, please tell me it's not true.
N: I'm afraid it is Dianna. We're on our way to the hospital now.
D: O-o no! W-we'll meet you there then.
N: Dianna, no. Maddie is too young to go, and Demi can't know what's going on.
D: Nick, it's her boyfriend. She ought to know what's going on. As for Maddie, I'll drop her off at Selena's house. She can play with Selena until we hear anything.
N: Fine. Just, keep an eye on Demi until you get to us okay? We don't want her to relapse.
D: Okay.
N: Dianna, we just pulled up to the hospital. I'll see you soon.
D: See ya soon.
Eddie and I parked our cars, and Dallas, Eddie and I ran into the hospital with the paramedics and Casper. A nurse stopped us, and Dallas started screaming.
"NO! THAT'S MY SISTER'S BOYFRIEND IN THERE!!! I WILL NOT STAY OUT HERE!" she screamed. I grabbed her waist and sat down with her in my lap. She laid her head in my neck. "Casper, Casper no," she sobbed. I rubbed her back. The ER doors burst open to Drake, Ana, Ashley, Olivia, Cam and Jessica (Casper's mom) running in. Tears were streaming down Cam and the triplets' faces. Dallas was now standing to comfort them. She had stopped crying by then. Cam ran into her embrace. Drake embraced Jessica, and Ana ran to me. I pulled her into a hug. Ashely stood there dumbstruck, and Eddie was holding Olivia. Ana stopped crying, and the doors were shoved open again. This time it was Demi and Dianna. Demi was a nervous wreck. I pulled her into my embrace as she sobbed. I sat down with her in my lap.
"Shh, Demi shh. It's ok, it's ok," I soothed.
"N-no it's not. Nick, I'm done with that shit. He's going to die on me just like Trenton did! They both promised that they'd never leave me, and now they both have!" She cried. The doctor came out then.
"Casper Boone?" she called. We all stood up.
"I am very very sorry, but Casper is-"
I woke up to bright lights and someone calling my name. I looked around me to see nothing but white. I turned back and saw a man clothed in white, with a two teenagers beside him. Both teens looked extremely familiar. The girl had tears streaming down her face as she ran to me.
"I missed you so much Casp," she breathed as she hugged me.
"J-Juliet?" I asked.
"It's me," she whispered. I looked down at her in shock. She had grown into a beautiful young woman. Last time I saw her she was 12, sitting inside a casket at her wake. I looked behind her at the boy.
"Who are you?" I asked him.
"My name is Trenton, I'm-" he started.
"You're Demi's friend. The one that died when you were 13," I finished for him. He nodded. I shook his hand. The man was still standing behind him. "Who's that?" I whispered to him.
"That's the angel here to ask you your fate. You know, whether or not you'll stay here with us or go back," Juliet answered.
"Hello Casper, I'm Jacob," the angel said. He shook my hand. "So, as I heard, Juliet already told you that you get to choose if you die now or not. What do you choose?" I looked at Trenton and Juliet. I want to stay here and catch up with them. I looked down below me, where I could now see everyone in the hospital. Nick was holding Cam, Ana, Ashley and Olivia were holding one another, dad was holding mom, Dallas and Demi were crying in front of the doctor, and Eddie was comforting Dianna. I didn't know they all loved me that much.
"But I didn't even get to say goodbye," I whispered. I wanted to go and stay with them. I looked back up at Jacob. "I-I want to do both," I answered. He chuckled.
"Well, sadly you can't do that. How about this, if you want to stay here, we can give you two weeks to say goodbye, and then you'll come here and stay. We can turn you into an angel where you can always go down and speak to specific ones of them. How about that?" he asked. I thought about it, and then I answered with a simple "yes".
I was sure the doctor was gonna say Casper was dead, but she stopped as we heard shouting.
"He's alive! It's a miracle! The kid's alive!" a nurse shouted. The doctor ran back into Casper's room really quick. We all stood there with hopeful expressions. The doctor came back out.
"It's a miracle, it's seems that Casper came back from the dead," she told us. We all started cheering. "The immediate family can go in and see him." Mom, dad and I ran into his room. Casper was sitting in bed looking at us with a sad expression. Mom and dad talked to him for a little bit, and then they left him to talk to me alone.
"Casp, what's wrong?" I asked him as I sat at the end of his bed.
"I-I saw them," he answered simply.
"You saw who?"
"Juliet and Trenton. They were waiting for me with an angel named Jacob."
"What are you talking about?"
"Jacob gave me a choice, he said I could come back on earth, or I could go ahead and die. I chose both. He told me that I have two weeks to say goodbye, and then I will die. I can come back after that as an angel, but I will only appear to certain people." I sunk into the bed shocked.
"Casper, we just got you back. You can't leave," I told him as I started crying. He sat up and pulled me to him.
"Hey hey hey, don't cry. I may only have two weeks with you, but it's two weeks that I'll make last." I looked at the door and saw Demi and Dallas.
"You better apologize to them," I growled at him. He nodded. I talked to Casper a little more, and then I left them to talk to him.
"D-Did you hear that?" I asked Demi and Dallas cautiously. They nodded with tear filled eyes. "C'mere," I told them with open arms. They ran into my embrace. "Demi, I met Trenton." She looked up at me.
"R-really?" she asked. I nodded as a tear slid down my face.
"Yeah, he's pretty awesome. He looks totally different from what he used to look like in the pictures you showed me. He's a grown man now." A few tears slid down her face. I quickly whipped them away. We all pulled away, and I avoided eye contact with them, especially Dallas. "Look, I owe you two an apology. I-I don't know what came over me. I guess it's just the way that you reminded me of Demi, Dallas. You reminded me so much of her, and I was upset that she wasn't there, and my parents didn't trust me. Now I know why they didn't trust me though. Demi, I don't even know how you're still here with me. I have almost killed you, I ran out on you, and I cheated on you with your sister, yet you're still standing here right now. Same with you Dallas. I would expect you to be tearing my head off right now. The simple way for me to tell you this is simply I'm sorry, but that's not gonna cut it. I know you'll probably never speak to me again, and that's okay. It's okay because I had the best 7 months with the two of you. We did fight and everything, but that's what friends and family do. I hope I'm still your friend, but I understand if you don't want to even speak to me for the last two weeks I have," I told them. Demi attacked me in another hug, which took me off guard. I expected her to hate me after this.
"Casper, I love you even though you've done all the stuff you did. Humans were meant to make mistakes, and we're humans. You did break my heart and my trust, but I still love you, I will always love you," Demi told me.
"Casper, I forgave you. Yes I really wanted to rip your head off for kissing me, but I'm calmed down now. I'm a lot better now Casp," Dallas told me.
"Okay, again, I'm really sorry to both of you. I have a question, what happened to Maddie and the triplets? When I was with Trenton a-and and J-Juli-Juliet, I looked down and saw them just crying their hearts out. I understand why the triplets were crying, but why was Maddie crying?"
"Maddie loves you like a brother. You're a huge inspiration to her. As for the triplets, they took your condition really hard. As soon as they got here they broke down into tears. I think we all did. Even Eddie and Drake shed a few tears," Dallas said. Wow, they really do care about me. "Well, we're gonna let the triplets come in now. Bye Casper, we'll see you later."
"Wait! When are they letting me out?"
"Tonight after they run some tests. They want to make sure that you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be at home with a nurse to watch over you for the next week. If he seems you healthy, then you are free to do whatever, you know, within a limit," Dallas explained. I nodded, and they gave me one last hug before they left the room. A few minutes later, the triplets and Maddie all ran into the room. The triplets practically attacked me in a hug, and then Maddie ran and did the same.
"Never do that to us again," Olivia whispered to me. I frowned because I knew that I would have to leave them again. Even though they're young, I need to tell them what's gonna happen in two weeks.
"Girls, I need to tell y'all something. In two weeks, I have to leave you again, but this time for good," I told them. They all looked confused.
"Wh-what do you mean bubba?" Ashley asked.
"I was given a choice by an angel named Jacob: I could stay here or go with him, Juliet, and Trenton. I chose both, and he said that he could make a deal with me. I could stay here and say goodbye for two weeks, and then I would go back with them. Jacob would make me an angel where I could visit certain people."
"B-but we just got you back. Wh-what about what you promised us? That you would always be here for us, no matter what?" Ana said.
"I'll still be here for y'all. I'll always be here for you, physically or mentally. I love y'all. You're my little sisters, and that goes for you two Maddie. You're my little sister as much as these three are," I told all of them. We talked a little while more, and then I fell asleep.
What do ya think? How do you feel about Casper leaving everyone soon?
I might not be able to be on much this next week because we have an exchange student from Japan coming to live with us. I'll try my best though. I'm ending this on the quote of the week, by and extremely talented young woman who's birthday is tomorrow, Cher Lloyd.
"I will never FIT in cause I didn't mean to." -Cher Lloyd

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