Casper Finds Out

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Demi's POV

I have known Casper for a week, and I already like him. He's so kind and caring! We are on our way to my house with his sister Cam. Seeing her after she cut made me think of me. I have been cutting since Trenton's death, and it's gotten worse since I started going to school with Casper. The blade on Cam's floor was really triggering, and my voices were screaming at me to cut. I wouldn't cut in front of Casper though. Casper was very caring with his sister when he found her after she'd cut. I almost wanted to tell him about all my struggles.
'Demi, he's just acting like he cares about you.'
No, not now!
'You know what will help you.'
'Come Demetria, just one cut, it'll make you feel better.'
"No, no, no!" I whispered starting to cry.
"Demi, you alright?" Casper asked with concern.
"Make them s-stop!" I cried.
"Make what stop?"
"T-the v-voices!"
"Demi, shhh. They can't hurt you, shhh," he said picking me up and holding me. I buried my head into his shirt and started sobbing. "Cam, pull over and come back here." I felt the car stop, and Cam get out.
"What's wrong Demi?" She asked.
"Th-the voices! Th-they won't stop!" I cried.
"Demi, shhh. Try to ignore them," Cam said soothingly, rubbing circles on my back. I finally stopped crying, and Cam got in the front and started driving again.
"Demi, show me your wrists," Casper told me. I shook my head.
"Demi, now." He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled my sleeve up. "Oh, Dems." He rubbed the scars with his thumb and kissed my wrists. Then, he pulled me into his lap again and held me.
"Demi, I want you to try and stop doing this. I know how hard it is, but you need to stop," he whispered.
"Okay, only for you," I said to him.
"I love you Demi." He shocked me by saying that.
"I love you too," I replied.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I couldn't have been happier.
"Yes, Casper. I will be your girlfriend," I said smiling. We then pulled up to my house, and Casper carried me inside. After introducing Cam to my family, and Casper meeting Eddie, they left. Casper kissed my cheek before he left, and I smiled.
"Ohhhh, I want the juice on what happened!" Dallas shouted as she dragged me to her room. Maddie was right behind us.
"What's going on with you and Lover Boy?" Maddie asked excitedly.
"Nothing," I replied.
"That didn't look like nothing," Dallas smirked.
"Okay, okay! He asked me to be his girlfriend." Dallas and Maddie both squealed with excitement.
"I knew it!" Dallas squealed.
"Girls! Keep it down!" our mom yelled.
"Yes mom!" we all shouted back.
"Hey, we have school tomorrow. I'm tired. So, shoo!" I said.
"Night, Demi!" Dal and Mads told me.
"Night!" I replied.
"Ugh! School again!" I groaned. the smell of bacon and pancakes came to my nose, and I shot up in bed. The thought of food made me sick, but I can't turn down bacon and pancakes. I got dressed and went downstairs.
"Morning baby girl," I told Maddie.
"Morning Dems."
"Hey D-" I was about to say when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," I offered.
"Hey Casper!" I said happily.
"Hey Dems," he said.
"Come on in, mom's making breakfast."
"Morning Dallas, Maddie, Mrs. De La Garza," he said.
"Morning," they all replied.
"Casper, please call me Dianna," mom told him.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Demi! Casper!" Cam called.
"Hey Cam!" I cheered. I don't know why I'm in such a great mood today. It all changed when I got slammed into a locker, again. This was the fifth time this week!
"Sam, leave me alone!" I growled at him. I was not in the mood today. He was taken aback by how I spoke.
"Make me, you're just a worthless, fat, ugly PIG!" His words hurt. Not as much as his blows though. He punched me until I was almost unconcious. Suddenly, Sam's head whipped to the side, and he released me. I dropped to the floor.
"YOU! DID YOU JUST PUNCH ME?!" Sam screamed at Casper.
"Yeah, I got a problem with YOU hurting MY girl! Why do you just lay off?! She didn't do anything to you!" He shouted back. Everyone was quiet. I looked at Casper. His eyes were red.
"His eyes turn red when someone messes with a person that he really cares about. He's done this when someone bullied me. The doctors said that he can kill someone when he's this mad," Cam whispers to me as she helps me stand up. She helped me to Nurse Beverly's office.
"Nurse Beverly!" Cam called.
"Yes Cam? Has Demi been hurt again?" She asked when she looked up and saw me.
"Yes. He dealt her pretty bad blows today. He almost knocked her out." The nurse laid me on the bed and got some bandages out.
"This is going to hurt Demi," she said as she poured peroxide on my cuts. I squeezed Cam's hand. Soon after she had finished, Casper was carried in by some younger kids. I got off the bed so they could lay him down on it.
"Demi!" Dallas exclaimed when she walked in. "Demi, you're okay! I watched the whole thing. Casper was knocked out because he was standing up for you."
"I'm afraid I can't treat his injuries. he will have to be sent to the nearest hospital," Nurse Beverly informed us. I started crying into Dallas' shirt. Cam came over and rubbed my back comfortingly. I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. I hugged her and whispered, "Stay strong for Casper and me. He will be okay." She nodded and tried to smile. We heard sirens and two paramedics came and got Casper. They said two people could go in the ambulance, so Cam and I jumped into the back.
"My baby! Casper!" Casper's mom cried as the stretcher was wheeled in. His three little sisters were here as well as his dad, who hasn't been around recently. We waited in the waiting room for what seemed like hours until we heard anything.
"Casper Boone?" a doctor called. All seven of us stood up. "Casper is in a lot of pain, but he is other wise fine. He has a ton of bruises and cuts from Samuel Nichols, but he hasn't broken anything. You may visit him four at a time."
"I think that the triplets and Cam should go and see him," Casper's mom states.
"I agree," I say. So, the girls went and saw Casper while we waited outside. Then, the girls walked out, and we went in. I stayed in the doorway.
"Casper!" His mom exclaimed.
"Where's Demi?" Casper said. I didn't expect him to want me.
"I'm right here baby," I told him, laying my hand on his. "Demi, I-I couldn't watch him hurt you," he said.
"I know baby, I know."
"Demi, you got hurt?" Casper's mom asked concerned. I looked up at her and showed her my face that was covered in bruises and cuts. She gasped.
"He was trying to keep Sam from hurting me and got hurt himself," I said.
"Demi, Casper!" Dallas said as she walked in.
"Why aren't you in school?" I asked.
"School's over for the day." I looked at my watch and it said 3:15. Oops. I looked at her, and she gasped. I forgot about the bruises and cuts.
"What happened?"
"This is what Casper got hurt for. He tried to get Sam to leave me alone."
"Casper, thank you for helping my little sister." She whispered to him loud enough where I could hear. I kissed his cheek because I had to get home. The doctors were releasing him in a few hours anyway. Dallas drove us home, but when we were in the driveway, she stopped me from getting out of the car.
"Dems, we need to tell them what happened." I already expected her to say that.
"Okay." We walked inside. Mom, dad, and Maddie were sitting on the couch nervously.
"Hey guys," I said as we walked in. I was immediately was bombarded with questions. "Slow down!" One at a time, they all asked their questions.
"What happened to Casper?" Maddie asked.
"Sam beat him up because he stood up for me," I said.
"What happened to your face?" my mom asked.
"This is what Sam did to me. It's why Casper helped me."
"I saw most everything. I was about to go help her when Casper stepped in. Demi was almost unconscious," Dallas informed then.
"Final question, will Casper be okay?" Dad asked.
"Yes, he has some cuts and bruises, and he's in a lot of pain. other than that he is fine. Now, I have a question for Dallas. What did Mr. Harvey do about Sam?" I asked.
"He was expelled," she stated.
"Well, at least you don't have to worry about him," mom said.
"Yeah," I responded.
Again, I am dedicating this chapter to a friend, who isn't on wattpad. Her name is Lacey, she has helped me through more than she can imagine. No one knows what has been going on with me lately. For the past three weeks, I haven fallen asleep until 3 or later. This week, two days in a row, I couldn't fall asleep until 6 or 7 in the morning. Lacey doesn't realize it, but she keeps me stable. Many times I have of doing things I know I'll regret, but hearing her voice, seeing her, or just texting her, has helped me not do those things. She is someone I know cares about me when it feels like no one else does. When I'm down, she lifts me up. I hope all of you have someone like her in your life. If you don't, know that I'm there for you guys.

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