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I knew it was Casper's last day. It had been two weeks, and he said in two weeks he was leaving us. My family and Casper's family all knew that he was leaving, but none of them acknowledged it. I got in my truck early in the morning to visit Casper and his family. Demi knew he was leaving soon, and she begged me to let her come. For her sake, I told her no. I didn't want him to die and her to be there. She convinced me though, so she was currently sitting in the passenger seat staring out the window. The radio was playing softly, but then a familiar song came on and I cranked the music up.
"Demi, Demi it's the song. It's Cam's song on the radio! OMG her song is on the radio!" I squealed in excitement. Demi started to freak out too as we rolled the windows down and started screaming the lyrics out the window. A bunch of people stopped what they were doing to stare at us weirdly, but we didn't give a flying crap. We kept on screaming until we got to the Boone's house. I turned the truck off and jumped out. I ran around to help Demi out. (She always had trouble getting out of my truck.) We walked up to the house, and before we could knock, Cam swung open the door.
"Oh thank god it's you two. Come in come in, Casper doesn't have much time left," she told us frantically. We rushed inside, and Demi broke down. This is why I didn't want her to come. I was afraid something like this would happen. Cam took care of Demi as I ran up the steps to Casper's room. He was sitting on his bed, and he looked perfectly fine. I walked over to him and hugged him. He was colder than a piece of ice! I looked closer at him and saw that he was pale and shaking.
"Casper, what's wrong?!" I asked as I frantically tried to put blackest on him and warm him up. He pushed all the blankets away.
"Jacob visited me last night. He told me I'm leaving today. I'm gonna see them again Dallas! I can't wait to see them," he told me like nothing was wrong. I started to tear up.
"You can't leave Casper! You have your whole life ahead of you! You have Demi to look after! You can't leave us now! Casper, don't do this to us!" I exclaimed as tears streamed down my face. Demi and Cam rushed in. I let Demi in beside Casper's bed. She grabbed his hand.
"Casper, you can't leave us! I love you, please don't leave me!" She cried. He reached his other hand up to stroke her cheek. She had tears streaming down her face.
"Baby, I love you too, but I have no control over this. I wish I could stay, but it's too late. Don't mourn over me, I'm happy as ever right now. That goes for all of you. I love y'all too much for you to grieve me," Casper said. Demi just broke down even more and gripped his hand, and well as mine. I looked at Cam, and she was crying as well. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. She hid her face in my shoulder. "Dallas, take care of Cam and Demi for me? Please?" I nodded at Casper as a fresh wave of tears streamed down my face. "Cam, Demi, stay strong. Don't let this ruin your careers. I already spoke to Ana and told her the same thing. Cam, I need you to look after them. Demi, happy 7 months," Casper said to them.
"Dallas: I always knew this day would come
We'd be standing one by one
With our future in our hands
So many dreams so many plans
Cam: I always knew after all these years
There'd be laughter there'd be tears
But never thought that I'd walk away
With so much joy but so much pain
And it's so hard to say goodbye
Demi, Cam, & Dallas: But yesterday's gone we gotta keep moving on
I'm so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know ya
The times that we had I'll keep like a photograph
And hold you in my heart forever
I'll always remember you
Demi: Another chapter in the book cant go back but you can look
And there we are on every page
Memories I'll always save
Up ahead only open doors
Who knows what we're heading towards
I wish you love I wish you luck
For you the world just opens up
But it's so hard to say goodbye
All three: Yesterday's gone we gotta keep moving on
I'm so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know ya
The times that we had I'll keep like a photograph
And hold you in my heart forever
I'll always remember you
Dallas: Everyday that we had all the good all the bad
I'll keep them here inside
Demi: All the times that we shared every place everywhere
You touched my life
Cam: Yeah one day we'll look back we'll smile and we'll laugh
But right now we just cry
Cause it's so hard to say goodbye" Casper's eyes started to close as we sang the last part.
"All three: Yesterday's gone we gotta keep moving on
I'm so thankful for the moments so glad I got to know ya
The times that we had I'll keep like a photograph
And hold you in my heart forever
I'll always remember you
Dallas: Nanananana
Cam: I'll always remember you
Demi: I'll always remember you." Casper's hand went limp in Demi's, and his eyes fully closed.
"No, no no no no!" Demi cried. She let go of his hand and looked at me with tears streaming down her face.
"H-He's g-gone," she whispered. I nodded, and she fell into me. She buried her head in my shoulder as she let out body-wracking sobs. Cam was doing to same. I walked them out of the room, where Drake and Jessica were standing hopefully. I just shook my head, and Jessica started sobbing into Drake's chest. I went into Cam's room and laid her down because she had cried herself to sleep. Demi cried herself to sleep as well, so I picked her up and went downstairs. Drake had pulled Jessica downstairs and was rocking her.
"I'm so sorry," I told them. Drake looked at me with tear filled eyes. "He was a great friend."
"He was a great son. I'm sport for you too. Go home and get some rest, I'll contact you about the burial and everything," he told me. I nodded and carried Demi to my truck. I drove home and took Demi inside. Mom, dad, Maddie, Nick, Marissa, Selena and Taylor were looking at me hopefully. I just shook my head, and everyone broke down, even Taylor and Selena, who didn't know Casper that well. I carried Demi to her room and laid her down. I closed the door and went to my room. I shut the door, and that's when I broke down. I started throwing stuff all over the place. I screamed and screamed until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me and hold me tightly. The person picked me up and sat down with me in their arms. I hid my face in their shirt, and I smelled dad's cologne.
"Shh Dallas shh. It's okay. He's still here with you, he's in your heart forever baby girl. Shh," dad soothed. Soon, I fell asleep.
"No! No! No! I'm not going! I'm not going to see him get buried!" Demi screamed at mom. Today marked a week since Casper's death, and they're holding his funeral today. Demi was determined that she wouldn't go, and mom was trying to convince her to go. Therefore, Demi is now screaming at mom. I walked over to mom from my position in the doorway.
"Let me try and talk to her mom," I told her. She nodded hopelessly and left the room. Demi seemed to calm down a little, and then she started crying again. I held her and rocked her until she calmed down. I forced her to look at me. "Demi, do you remember what Casper told you before he died?" I asked her. She didn't show any reaction. "He told you to stay strong. Don't let this effect you. He's still here for you, in your heart. I understand you don't want to go, but think about more than Casper. Think about Cam and the triplets; they look up to you, same as your Lovatics. Think about Maddie; she needs her sister to stay strong. Think about Drake and Jessica; you are like a daughter to them. They'll break if you're not there. Think of Marissa; she really wants you to stay strong, same as I do. Look, I totally get that you don't want to go, but please, think about? For me? For Casper?" I left her to think after I said that. I went to my room and got dressed in a black dress with black flats. I put my earrings in and walked back into Demi's room. She had put a black skirt with a dark grey shirt on with black heels. She was putting in the earrings that Casper bought her, and then she slid the promise ring he gave her on. A tear slid down her cheek as she put it on. She wiped it away quickly, and then she started to put her makeup on. I walked into the room and took the makeup from her hands. She nodded.
"Casper liked it better when I didn't wear makeup," she whispered. I nodded and hugged her tightly.
"It'll be okay sis," I told her. We walked downstairs to see everyone else dressed as well. I grabbed my sweater, as well as Demi's, from my room and gave hers to her. We all walked to the car, and dad drove to the cemetery.
"And now a few words from Casper's close friend, Demi Lovato," the pastor said.
"I was his girlfriend," I told him quietly. "Casper was the first person I met when I started going to high school here in Dallas. He was the one that showed me around. When we met, I felt unsafe and alone, but after just a week of knowing him, he changed all that. Casper showed me beauty in myself that I'd never seen before. Someone would bully me a lot, and Casper was always the one that stood up for me, even though he was sent to the hospital several times because of it. We had our ups and downs, but he was always there for me no matter what. As a friend, I can say he was a great one. As his girlfriend, I can say he was an amazing boyfriend who truly cared. He is still an amazing person. I was able to talk to him before he died, and he told me to stay strong. I'll be honest, I wasn't going to come today. A very very close person was able to change that," I looked at Dallas when I said that. "She told me that Casper is still here, in my heart. He's still in everyone's heart. He touched all of us, whether greatly or a small amount. He was the most amazing person I've ever met," I finished. I was crying by the end, and so was everyone else. The pastor came back up.
"Would anyone else like to say a few words?" he asked. No one stood up. After he talked a little longer, Cam, the triplets, Drake and Jessica walked up to Casper's grave and threw a handful of dirt onto it. Cam was sobbing. After the funeral, we went home, and I ran to my room and sobbed.

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