Titus And Dori

212 4 1


Date: June 2033

"So guys, your dad and I have an announcement to make," Katelyn said as she placed pieces of cut up chicken breast onto Cayden's highchair tray. The thirteen month year old happily picked up the pieces and started to shove them into his mouth.

"We're moving?" Ten year old Andy asked.

"We're going to Disney land?" Seven year old Kennedy asked.

"You're having a baby?" Five year old Julia asked.

Chandler and Katelyn chuckled and smirked at each other from across the oak table in the dining room.

"Nope, all of you are way off," Chandler said and took a bite of mash potatoes.

"So what is it then?" Julia asked.

"I don't know should we tell them or just let them keep guessing?" Katelyn asked teasingly.

"No. Tell us!" the three children begged.

"I mean I'm kind of curious to see if they can guess it," Chandler teased.

"Dad," Kennedy said with a dramatic huff, "Just tell us."

"Yeah, you guys said that families should never keep secrets from each other," Andy said and folded his arms over his chest, giving his parents a look that said 'I'll use your own words against you.'

"No we said that we believe families should always have an open relationship and that you guys should always feel that you can tell us anything," Katelyn corrected her son.

"Can you just tell us?" Julia asked, running her hand through her brown hair in a dramatic display of annoyance.

Katelyn and Chandler exchanged a look and nodded at each other, smiles on their faces.

"We're getting a dog." They said together and in mere seconds the news sunk into their kid's brains and the dining room was filled with shrieks and cheers of excitement.

Cayden banged his hand on his tray, sending peas flying towards the ground. The youngest Riggs's child had no idea what was going on, all he knew was that his siblings were cheering and he didn't want to be left out.

"Cayden, our food stays on our tray young man," Chandler said, though he was having a hard time not laughing at the site of his son holding the few remaining peas in his hand, a grin on his face and some mashed potatoes smeared on his cheek.

"Hey daddy once we get a dog, then it can clean up all the messes that Cayden makes," Julia said right before the edge of her hand bumped the edge of her plate and sent it flying, peas and chicken hitting the floor.

Andy and Kennedy burst out laughing and Julia looked around with a horrified look on her face.

"I didn't mean-I'm so sorry," The little girl said, her eyes started to water.

"Honey it's okay, that's why we're getting a dog. To clean up your messes to," Chandler teased.

"Chandler!" Katelyn chastised before smiling reassuringly at Julia, "it's okay baby, just go grab the broom and dustpan and we'll clean it up okay?"

"Okay mommy," the five year old said while giving her father the dirty eye.

"I love you, you love me. Let's team up and kill Barney," Beaky sang as he flew into the dining room.

Katelyn turned her head towards Andy, who was laughing hysterically and glared at him, "I thought I told you to stop teaching your uncle inappropriate songs."

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