We Were Just Sleeping

506 13 8


Date: February 2017

"Behave yourselves, listen to Greg and the others." Gina said as she inspected Katelyn and Chandler once again.

"And be safe, don't accept anything from strangers and don't do anything dangerous." Natalie added.

The two teens nodded. They were about to embark on a three day cruise with some of the cast for the "Walker Stalker Cruise."

For the two seventeen year-olds, going on a free cruise by themselves with no parental supervision was quite exciting. Still this trip wasn't all play, they had some work to do, given that it was for the show, but still the thought of three days at sea without their parents was exciting for the young teenage couple.

"We Will." They said together and then hugged their respective mother's goodbye.

Grabbing their suitcases and interlacing their fingers, Chandler and Katelyn boarded the ship.

As they walked up the ramp, they met up with the Norman, Alanna, Ross and Jeffery.

"There's the cutest couple we know." Alanna called to the young pair as they made their way over to her and the others.

"What up, you guys pumped or what?" Jeffery asked.

"Totally three days at sea on a cruise ship without any homework or curfews." Katelyn said.

"Not to mention no parental supervision." Chandler added.

"Not so fast you two," Greg Nicotero said as he joined the group, "Just because your parents aren't here doesn't mean there isn't an adult looking after you," he looked at the two teens, "I have three rules, be respectful, be mature and be safe." He said and the teens nodded.

"Don't worry Greg we'll be on our best behaviour." Chandler assured and Katelyn nodded in agreement.

Greg smiled, "Good. Well then gang, let's get a move on," He led the group inside the main lobby and loud screams emerged from the many fans in the lobby.

One woman tried to jump into Normans arms and would have succeeded if it hadn't been for a loyal security guard.

"How come girls never try to tackle me?" Chandler asked outload, he noticed the look on Katelyn's face, "Not that I would want that or anything."

She smirked, "Nice save bud," she ran off ahead of him to catch the elevator. When she got to the elevator she turned around, "Coming or what grandma?"

He chuckled and ran towards her. Katelyn Nacon always made him laugh no matter what was going on.


"It's cool that our cabins are right next-door to each other," Chandler said as they stood outside her cabin.

"To bad we couldn't just share one," Katelyn said as she fiddled with the key.

"Yeah good one Katelyn," he laughed, but stopped short when he saw the serious look on her face.

"I'm serious Chandler...we should sleep together tonight," she looked intently at him smiling widely, awaiting his response.

His eyes were as wide as saucers and his mouth suddenly became dry as he tried to find words, "I uh...uh I...yeah sure that uh... sounds good," he stuttered, blushing intensely.

She leaned up and pecked his lips, "Good, I'm going to change into something more comfortable, meet you out here in ten and we'll go explore the boat."

She entered her cabin and closed the door, leaving a stunned Chandler in the hallway.

He wasn't sure what exactly just happened, but he was pretty sure he had just agreed to have sex with his girlfriend and to be honest he wasn't sure how to feel about it.

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