Happy Birthday Lightweight

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Date: June 11th 2018

"How come, you're not out with Katelyn?" Grayson asked his older brother as he sat down beside him in the den, "Did she dump you?"

"No," Chandler said, looking up from the book he was reading "Her friend Vivian got her and a couple other girls' tickets to a musical variety show tonight," he explained.

"So she ditched you?"

"No," Chandler said, annoyed with the question, "I stayed over last night and we spent the day together. Just because it's her birthday doesn't mean we have to spend the whole day together, there's nothing wrong with her spending time with her friends."

"Said every lonely guy ever," Grayson laughed and then ducked when Chandler tossed a pillow at him. He loved getting his older brother riled up.

"Do you need something, or are you just here to annoy the crap out of me?" Chandler asked, annoyed by his younger brothers pestering.

Grayson shrugged, "There's nothing good on TV and I needed something to entertain myself," he said with a smirk on his face.

Chandler went to respond, but before he could, Katelyn's song 'Little In-Betweens,' started to play.

Smiling, he picked up his phone and hit the green accept button, "Hey babe, what's up?" he asked when he put the phone to his ear.

"The sky," Katelyn giggled from the other end.

He chuckled, "So how's the show?"

"It's all over and guess what," she said, her voice slurred and full of giggles.


"We had some alcohol."

Chandler rolled his eyes, if there was two things that didn't mix well, it was Katelyn and Alcohol. Katelyn was a huge lightweight and could get drunk from a single wine cooler, he'd seen it firsthand.

"How did you get alcohol?" he asked.

She giggled, "Lizzy had a fake ID and she scored us some Palm Bays and Smirnoff Ice."

Chandler rolled his eyes and groaned internally, of course Lizzy had something to do with it. Out of all of Katelyn's friends, Lizzie was the most 'free spirited' and it didn't surprise him that she had a fake ID.

"Did you call just to tell me that?"

"No silly, I called because we can't remember where we parked the car."

Chandler rolled his eyes, "So do you need me to come get you guys?"

"Get us from where?"

"The park where the concert was," Chandler said.

"Oh Yes I need you to get in your sexy car and came get us," She said flirtatiously.

Chandler chuckled, "Alright, sit tight, I'm on my way," he said and then hung up his phone.

He grabbed his jacket and stood up, heading for the front door.

"Where are you going?" Grayson asked.

"To pick up my girlfriend," Chandler called as he laced up his sneakers.

"You can't even been away from her for more than a few hours, you're so weak," Grayson called.

"And you're so single," Chandler called back as he headed out the front door.


About thirty minutes later, Chandler pulled up into a parking spot at the park. It was dark and he squinted, trying to pick out his girlfriend and her friends from the crowd of people.

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