Damn Bird

677 16 7

Date: November 2020

Chandler slowly stirred and yawned as his eyes open. The sunlight is peeking through the curtains of their bedroom and even though the window was is tightly shut, there was a chill in the air. The heater in their apartment was broken and with the cold November weather in affect, he and Katelyn had been snuggled together under several blankets.

Katelyn was asleep beside him, her head resting on his shoulder, her hand resting over his heart.

She looked so peaceful and he loved watching her sleep.

"What is it with you and your obsession with watching me sleep?"She mumbled, her eyes still closed.

"You're just adorable when you sleep."

Her eyes fluttered open and she raised an eyebrow, "Only when I'm sleeping?"

He smirked , "Oh no you're adorable no matter what you're doing." He played with her hair.

She snorted but lifted her head to kiss him. Their lips parted with a pop and they smiled lovingly at each other.

"Good Morning," She whispered groggily.

Chandler went to reply but before he could he was interrupted.

"Good Morning. Good Morning Chandler and Katelyn."

It's a squawking voice that made them both grown. "Damn Bird," Chandler muttered as he looked at the bird cage in the far corner of their bedroom.

A pair of beady eyes was staring back at him. They belong to a black bird with a bright yellow beak.

"Chandler's a damn bird."

Katelyn bursted out laughing. Chandler's dirty look only increased her laughter.

"Shut up dumbass or I'm going to stick your cage in the freezer." He threatened the bird and gave it a dirty look. 

"Chandler," Katelyn squealed and playfully slapped his shoulder. "Be nice to Beaky."

"Yeah Chandler, be nice to Beaky."

"I'm not going to be nice to that demonic bird. He's a nuisance and it's your fault he's here."

"Me? You're the one who wanted a pet." She stated as she sat up in bed and looked around for her shirt, which had been removed during last night's make out session.

"Yeah I did, but I was thinking of a dog or a cat. I certainly wasn't intending on getting Voldemort in bird form," He continued to glare at the bird.

Katelyn wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her chin on his shoulder. "Are you in a bad mood? Because if you are I can cheer you up," She whispered into his ear.

His cheeks went flush and he smirked, I'm always in need of some cheering up," He said and turned his head to the side in order to meet  her lips with his own.

"Chandler and Katelyn doing the dirty. Doing the dirty."

They both looked at the bird. A look of hatred on his face. A look of pure horror on hers.

"Where the heck did he learn that?" she asked, still horrified.

"When you went out with Vivian last weekend, Grayson came over and he taught the little turd some interesting sentences," He cringed, awaiting her response.

"I'm going to kill your brother." She stated, an unimpressed looked edged on her face.

He sighed. So much for some fun this morning. He threw off the covers and got out of bed, stretching as he did so.

The Story Of ChandlynHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin