More Than Friendship

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Thanks to mvan899 for requesting this chapter! Hope you enjoy! If anyone has a request for a future chapter! Message me and I will do my best to incorporate your request!:)

Date: November 2041 and May 2016(Flashback)

Katelyn Riggs was in the middle of listening to one the songs recently recorded by one of the young musicians she mentored. Almost 2 years ago, she and Chandler had started The William Riggs Foundation. The foundation helped to set up young actors and actresses with agents, helped provide finical aid, helped the parents of young actors, actresses and musician, and offered acting camps hosted a couple times a year by Chandler, Katelyn and some of their friends. The building they used was also equipped with a recording studio and Katelyn and Chandler used it to help young musician's record demos.

As Katelyn pulled off her headphones and started to make notes, she heard the door to her and Chandler's home office open and their fifteen year old daughter, Kennedy walked in.

"Hey Mom," Kennedy said as she sat down on the small couch in the office.

Katelyn smiled, "Hey 'Little K'," she said, turning her full attention to her daughter, "What's up?"

"Oh nothing," Kennedy said as she starred at her hands, "It's just...why are feelings so confusing? Why are boys so confusing?"

Katelyn chuckled and smirked, "Kennedy all boys are confusing and so are feelings, especially when it comes to feelings about boys."

"Tell me about it," Kennedy said with a sigh.

"You want to talk about anything? Boys? Feelings?" Katelyn asked.

"How'd did you know when you had feelings for dad? I mean I know you guys were really good friends before you guys started dating. So what changed?"

Katelyn raised her eyebrows at her oldest daughter, "Why are you asking me this out of the blue? You think you have feelings for one of your friends?"

"It's worse than that...I think I have feelings for Danny...I mean I've known him since I was a baby, we were pamper pals when we were toddlers," Kennedy explained.

Katelyn's blue eyes filled with realization when she realized why he daughter was so frustrated.

"So you think you have feelings for Danny? Yeah I can see where that might be frustrating, you guys have been best friends since you were babies," Katelyn said.

Danny Fogelmanis was the firstborn son of Corey Fogelmanis and Sabrina Carpenter. Corey and Sabrina had been very close friends with Chandler and Katelyn ever since the two couples met on the set of 'Neighbors' over twenty years ago.

Danny and Kennedy had been born within six weeks of each other and they'd always been very close, even after Corey and Sabrina relocated to New York with their family a few years ago, Danny and Kennedy still kept in very close contact.

"Yes and it's bad, I mean this is the guy who brought me flowers after I preformed in the sixth grade talent show and punched Aaron Bell in the face after he called me ugly, he's like..."

"Like your best friend in the whole word," Katelyn finished her daughter's sentence, with a smile on her face.

"Exactly and I think I have feelings for him...but I don't know for sure so that's why I wanted to know before I said anything," Kennedy explained, "So that's why I asked how you realized your feelings for dad.

Katelyn smiled, "Well It's not a long story, but I'd be happy to share it with you," Katelyn said. "It was an afternoon in May and I just broken up with my cheating boyfriend Isaac the month before. Your dad and I had been spending a lot of time together and that afternoon we were playing video games..."


"This game is stupid, how am I supposed to choose between Roebuck and Polonsky, I mean they're both Miller's friends," Katelyn said frustrated as she got killed once again.

Chandler meanwhile was rolling on the floor laughing his head off at Katelyn's dramatics, "Katelyn its Call of Duty, not some freaking Nicholas Sparks Movie," he said between fits of laughter.

She threw a pillow at him, "Stop laughing at me jerk," she said annoyed, "It's a hard decision," she explained.

"Not it's not, just pick one to save and then wipe out the rest of the Japanese army with the one you save and avenge the one who you sacrificed," Chandler explained.

"Yeah but Roebuck has been Miller's mentor since the beginning," Katelyn explained.

"Then pick him," Chandler said with a sigh.

"But Polonsky has been Millers friend since boot camp and they're like best friends," she looked at Chandler, "The choice is impossible," she deadpanned.

"Not really, the outcome is the same and besides this is just a video game, why are you putting some much thought into it?"

"Idk you know I'm on over thinker...I've just been thinking that if I was one the two people, would anyone choose me? I mean obviously my family would, but what about my friends, I mean a lot of them have known each other longer than they've known me, so would they really pick me over someone else?" She asked, an innocent look on her pale face

"I'd choose you," he said and she looked at him, blushing slightly and a wide smile formed on her face.

"Really?" she asked, a warm tingling feeling, surged through her body

He nodded, "Hell yeah, I mean I have other friends but you're my best friend, and our friendship is very important to're important to me, so I'd definitely choose know if I had to choose between you and some other friend to save from the Japanese army," he elaborated, a faint almost unnoticeable blush on his cheeks.

"Thanks," she said, her cheeks flushed and pure happiness beating in her heart.  Something was different however, she felt different then before...she felt different about Chandler.


"...And it was right then when your dad told me that he'd choose me over any of his other friends that I realized that what I felt for him was more than friendship," Katelyn said, smiling at the memory.

"But why?" Kennedy asked.

"I'm not's just when he told me how important I was to him and how important our friendship was...I realized that our friendship was the most important friendship I had and I never wanted to lose it. His words made me very happy, happier than any boy ever had before and I just had this feeling...It felt right," Katelyn said. She noticed the slightly confused look on her daughter's face, "I'm sorry I know it's not a perfect answer."

Kennedy shook her head, "No mom it was...his friendship is the most important thing to me and last week when he told me he thought I was the most beautiful girl ever, it made me feel happy, like really happy," Kennedy explained, a happy smile of her face, "I think I need to go call Daniel," she stood up and hugged her mother, "Thanks mom."

"You're welcome, glad I could help," Katelyn said.

Just like her mother had twenty five years earlier, Kennedy realized that the feeling she had for her best friend were feelings of more than friendship.

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