Rainy Days

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Date: July 2017

Weekends were something Chandler and Katelyn looked forward to. It was the summer so they didn't have school and very rarely did they film "The Walking Dead" on the weekend. More importantly now that they were both eighteen, both sets of their respective parents had agreed to allow them to spend the weekends at each other's houses, provided they followed certain rules.

This weekend they had stayed at Katelyn's house and on this Saturday morning, they were both cuddled up in her bed, sleeping peacefully.

Her 5'3" height fit perfectly with his 5'7" frame and when they were snuggled up together they fit perfectly, like the Ying and Yang symbol.

His chin was resting on top of her head and one hand rested slightly on the small of her back. Her head, moved up and down with the steady rise and fall of his chest. It would be an adorable sight to anyone who saw it.


The pounding of rain of the glass window in the corner of her room, woke Katelyn from her sleep.

She squinted and blinked rapidly, clearing the sleep out of her eyes, when her version was back she couldn't help but smile at the sight before her.

Chandlers hair was covering his face and she chuckled and brushed some of it out of the way, underneath his face was peaceful and he exhaled softly.

She sighed contently and snuggled deeper into his chest, they had planned to go out shopping today but it was a rainy day and they had a tradition on raining days.

They'd stay in bed, snuggle up in comfy cloths and blankets, order take out and watch Netflix's all day. It was really the only thing she liked about rainy days, but for now she was content to get a little more sleep and enjoy her boyfriend's warm embrace, after all they had nothing else to do today.


It was a couple hours later when Chandler woke up. He smiled when he saw Katelyn cuddled into his chest and brushed some of her loose brown hair from her face.

He slightly stroked her cheek and she scrunched up her face before yawning and opening her eyes, her pale blue eyes looked at him and a warm smile formed on her face.

"Morning," she said groggily.

"Morning Katelyn," He said and pecked her lips.

"It's raining out, you know what that means," She said.

He threw his hands up in the air, "Thank god, I don't have to go shopping today," he cried dramatically and she rolled her eyes.

"So do you want to make breakfast or should I?" she asked

"I'll make breakfast if you set up the TV," He offered and she nodded, "Sounds good, what should we watch today?"

He pondered the question, "How about we start watching the George Lopez Show," He suggested.

"I'm down for that," she said

Slowly they both got out of bed and went about their tasks.

As Katelyn was setting up the dvd player, she listened to the pitter patter on the rain on her window.

She really did love rainy days.

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