Thankful For You

379 10 3

Date: November 2021

Chandler didn't mind shopping, he didn't mind grocery shopping, but grocery shopping with Katelyn, now that was a different story.

It wasn't that she was bad at it and Chandler loved spending time with her. It just seemed that getting one or two things turned into thirty to forty. Katelyn was an over thinker and she would constantly be checking prices and recipes to make sure she got what she needed. It was a little quirk she had that he found adorable, even if it was slightly annoying.

As they walked into the grocery store, he pushed the cart while Katelyn listed off everything they would need.

"Okay so we need vegetable, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, gravy and a bird," she said as she read her list.

"If you need a bird we have one at home."

Katelyn rolled her eyes, "Chandler don't be rude."

"Katelyn this morning he interrupted us in the shower by flying into the bathroom and yelling 'red alert all hands to battle stations'," Chandler's voice was full of annoyance.

"Well that's your fault for letting him watch Start Trek."

"I didn't let him do anything that bird commandeers the TV."

Katelyn rolled her eyes, "Moving on we need to get some vegetable so come on."

At the vegetable section, Katelyn bagged green beans and onions while Chandler carried a big bag of potatoes into the cart.

"I don't understand why we need so many potatoes."

She gave him a deadpanned look, "Because we're cooking thanksgiving dinner and we need to make mash potatoes."

"You know there's only going to be eight of us there, not eighty," He teased as he pushed the cart towards the canned goods, "I don't know where we're going to fit everyone, our dining room is only made for two."

"We'll just set up a table in the living room and eat in there," Katelyn said as she checked the price difference between two different cans of gravy.

Chandler snorted, "Yeah good luck with that," Katelyn raised her eyebrow at him with a questioning look, "I mean good luck eating in there when demon birds in there watching TV," he elaborated further.

"We'll just turn the TV off for a while, Beaky will get over it."

"I don't know about that, last week I turned the TV off so I could work on an essay and that bird spent the next hour squawking in my ear and pecking me in the head."

Katelyn giggled, "That's because you call him rude names," she finally decided on a brand of gravy and put a few cans into the cart.

"That's because he's evil," Chandler stated and Katelyn rolled her eyes as she headed for the next isle.


"I don't understand why we need ten boxes of stuffing, Chandler said as he watched her toss several boxes into the cart, his eyes as wide as saucers.

She turned to look at him and placed her hands on her hips, "Because between Chris, Gray and yourself six boxes will be eaten by you three,"

He nodded and smirked, "True."


An hour later they left the store after Katelyn spent twenty minutes deciding on the perfect turkey.

As the loaded stuff into his car she turned towards him, "Thanks for coming with me today, I know that grocery shopping isn't your favorite thing to do but I'm really thankful for your company," she smiled softly at him.

He smiled back at her lovingly, "Thanks, I don't mind grocery shopping, I just thankful getting to spend time with you," The sincerity in his voice made her blush and she kissed his lips briefly.

"Thanks now we need to get home because Beaky and I have a musical marathon starting in thirty minutes," she said as she closed the trunk.

"Great," Chandler mumbled as he got into the car. It was hard to be thankful for listening to the bird sing musical numbers for the rest of the night.


On Thanksgiving morning Chandler and Katelyn got up very early, they had a lot of work to do before everyone got there.

Currently Katelyn was peeling potatoes while Chandler was rearranging the living room so they could set up the table.

"Beaky calm down, you can still watch TV, I'm just moving your perch bird brain," Chandler hollered from the living room.

"Bird brain, Chandler is a bird brain."

"Call me that again and your Christmas gift will be a one way ticket to Africa," Chandler responded as he walked into the kitchen, "Damn bird, I move his perch and he acts like it's the end of the world," he muttered.

Katelyn giggled, "What is he watching?"

"The Care Bears thanksgiving special," He muttered as he came to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

She laughed and leaned back into his chest, "You know what I'm thankful for."

"The bird?"

She giggled and leaned her head back, "No I'm thankful for you."

He smiled and kissed her lips, "I'm thankful for you too," she smiled and kissed him again.

They were thankful for each other and all their little quirks.

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