Cool Parents

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Thanks to mvan899 for the request! Hope you liked how I did it! If anyone has any requests let me know!

Date: May 2017

"Well the brunch was great, but the real question is what are those two up to," William said as he, Gina, Mark and Natalie said around the Nacon's living room, chatting and catching up.

"I know, either they did something or they want something," Mark said.

"Oh come now, maybe they just wanted to do something nice for us," Natalie said.

They four adults look at each other before they all started laughing.

This morning Chandler and Katelyn had cooked brunch for everyone and now they were up in Katelyn room getting something. They had asked the adults to wait in the living room for them.

"Whatever the reason is, I'm certainly happy to be here enjoying the company," Gina said, taking a sip of coffee, before the two teens walked into the room

Chandler was carrying a poster board and Katelyn had a couple pamphlets in her hands.

"Chandler stand here and hold the poster up," Katelyn said.

"Yes dear," Chandler teased and he opened up the poster board. On the inside were several different charts and graphs and a diagram.

"Thank you all for coming," Katelyn said to the four adults, "Chandler and I wanted to talk to you about something."

"More so we wanted to ask your permission for something," Chandler added, struggling to keep the poster board open.

"Permission for what exactly?" Natalie asked.

"Why do you guys have that poster board? Are you asking us to finance a business or something?" William asked and he and Mark chuckled.

"No actually, it's something more important," Katelyn said and handed out a pamphlet to each of the adults, "These have all the information that the poster board does," She said.

"Why renting a hotel room for prom is the mature and responsible thing to do," Gina read the title and all the adults looked at the two for skeptical looks.

"Just hear us out before you say anything," Chandler said.

"Fine," Gina said.

"Okay if you turn to page one, you can see a pie graph that shows all the after prom parties happening this year," She said and pointed to the pie graph on the poster, "As you can see, a majority of the class will be at the Hilton Garden for the after party," she explained.

"Eighty four percent?" Mark asked in surprise, "Man parents these days will let their kids do anything."

"If you look at the next page, you'll see the statistics for police calls and emergency due to after proms. As you can see the stats are quit low and if you look at the location, green if for hotels, it's the lowest number."

"So we won't get arrested, which is a good thing," Chandler added.

"The next page shows the cost for one night, as you can see its only two fifty for the night and that includes a brunch the next day," Katelyn said.

"And who's going to pay for that?" William asked.

"We will of course, this isn't going to cost you anything." Chandler said.

"What my concern really is, will there be alcohol?" Natalie asked.

"Most definitely, but neither Katelyn nor I are big drinkers and we know our limits, besides I don't plan of drinking, in case anything happens." Chandler explained and Katelyn nodded in confirmation.

"There's one more page and this chart shows your cool parents meter, before today and what it would be if you let us get a room on prom night," Katelyn explained, hopeful looks on both her and Chandler's faces.

The four adults exchanged looks, "Well I think it's quite generous of you two to bump us up fifteen percent is we let you have a room," Gina said.

"And it was quite responsible of the two of you to put this together," William added.

"Not to mention very mature," Mark said.

"Which is why we don't have a problem with you two getting a hotel room at the after party," Natalie finished.

"Yes," Chandler and Katelyn cheered.

"But we have a few conditions," Natalie said.

"For starters, you need to call us when you get to the hotel and by ten on the following morning," Gina said.

"And no drugs," William said, "And drink responsibly."

"Absolutely," Chandler said.

"We promise," Katelyn added.

"Alright than, do you guys need anything else? Because the four of us were going to see a movie later," Mark asked.

"No but thank you, thank you," Katelyn said as they hugged their parents and then ran upstairs.

"Coolest Parents ever," Chandler called.

"We Know!" All four adults said and then laughed.

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