Safety, Love and Happiness

360 6 2

Date: May 2017

The sun shone through the window and the light woke Katelyn from her sleep. She yawned and brushed a few loose strands of brown hair from her face.

She grabbed her phone and hit the home button. She smiled when she saw the text message that Chandler had sent her this morning. Every morning whichever one of them was up first would send a 'good morning text' to the other person. Normally it was something sweet and encouraging.

Today Chandler's text was so sweet it was like eating a full bag of gummy worms, luckily Katelyn happened to love gummy worms.

A bright smiled formed across her face when she read his words.

Chan😊😍: Morning Kat, I just wanted to say that I'm so excited for tonight❤️. I wouldn't want to go to prom with anyone but you and I can't wait to see you in your prom dress. You're going to look so beautiful because well you always do. I love you beautiful😘 and I'll see you tonight, have an amazing day and don't stress too much about getting ready. You'll look amazing. Love Chandler.😊😘

Her heart melted as she read the text. Chandler was just...he was amazing and he made her feel so loved and happy. Katelyn couldn't imagine what her life would be like without Chandler, being a couple for almost a year, they'd grown a lot together and Katelyn Nacon knew one thing and that was that she never wanted to find out what life would be like without him in it now that she knew how amazing it was to be with him.

A tiny chill went through her body when her bare feet made contact with the floor as she walked towards the bathroom. Today was a special day and she was excited, her stomach flip-flopping from joy and excitement.

She turned on the shower and stepped in, enjoying the hot water while she could. She was supposed to get her nails and hair done in an hour with Lizzie and Vivian.


"So Kat, you and Chandler got any plans for tonight?" Lizzie asked curiously as a stylist curled her hair.

Katelyn was currently getting her nails done and was trying not to flinch or laugh when the pomace stone made contact with her ticklish feet. She raised an eyebrow at Lizzie's question, not sure exactly what she meant.

"I told you, we're going to the party at the Hilton, aren't you?"

Lizzie and Vivian exchanged an amused look.

"That's not what we meant," Vivian said.

"What we meant was do you two have any plans for tonight as in after you leave the party?" Lizzie asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

Realization dawned on Katelyn and a blush creeped onto her pale face, "Um no I don't think so...we aren't planning on doing anything like that," she said shyly.

"Oh come on Kate, you guys have been together almost a year and we all know how much you love each other so don't you think it's about time you test things out?" Lizzie asked.

Katelyn shook her head, "It's not...we're not...I'm not ready."

"What you think he won't like what he sees?" Lizzie asked with a tiny laugh.

"Can we just change the subject please?" Katelyn aske pleadingly.

Seeing their friend's demeanour they backed off, "Sorry," they both said at the same time.

"It's okay...let's just talk about something else," Katelyn said.

As the conversation changed to a new topic, Katelyn couldn't help but think about what Lizzie had said.

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