We'll Get Through This Together

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Date: September 2018

Ever since she and Chandler had become best friends over four years ago, Katelyn had always loved spending time at the Riggs household. She spent a lot of time over there, especially after she and Chandler started dating just over two years ago. It had become like a second home to her, always filled with laughter and happiness, much like her own home.

Knowing that today, her second home wouldn't be filled with laughter and happiness and quite possibly never would again made her heart ache.

Today was supposed to be a good day, but a phone call from Gina almost an hour ago changed everything.

William Riggs had died early this morning.

Gina told her that he had been on his way home last night when a drunk driver T-boned his car.

She told her boyfriend's mother that she would be there as soon as she could. Once she hung up, she had taken a few minutes to cry. She cried for Gina who had lost her husband and she cried for Chandler and his brother Grayson, who had lost their father.

She couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of pain Chandler was in. Regardless she wasn't going to let him go through it alone. Whatever he needed, she would do anything she could to help him through this.

That's what you do when you love someone. You walk through hell with them.


When she pulled up to Chandler's house, she sat in her car for a few seconds, trying to prepare herself for all the pain inside the house.

She left her car and ran up to the door. She knocked lightly on the door.

The door opened and Gina stood there. Her eyes were red and she had bags under her eyes. She looked terrible, which given the circumstances was expected.

"Katelyn," Gina whispered and without another word she embraced the young girl.

For over a minute they stood in the front hall, holding each other and trying so hard to hold back the tears.

"Gina...I'm so sorry,"Katelyn said, her voice full of emotion. "My mom wanted you to know that if there's anything she can do, than please let her know."

Gina sniffled and nodded, wiping her eyes. "I...I might give her a call in a bit."

Katelyn nodded, "How are you doing?"

Gina leaned her head against the wall. "I'm...I'm not sure to be honest," She let out a tiny laugh. "It's funny you know...when Chandler got his license, Will made him watch this documentary on the dangers of drunk driving. Will was so against drunk driving and it's so horribly ironic that of all things that could kill him...it was the one thing he hated the most."

Gina was trying to put on a brave face, but Katelyn knew that deep down, the women was is unimaginable pain.

Gina took a breath and blinked back tears that threatened to fall. "Chandler he hasn't...he hasn't come down from his room since he found out," She wiped her eyes with her hand. "That's why...I called you. He needs you."

Katelyn wiped away a few tears that were running down her cheeks. "I know...and I'll be here for him and ...for all of you," She said.

Gina gave a tight smile. "William he always said...that you two were meant for each other,"
Tears dripped from her cheeks, "He was right."

Katelyn smiled and then started towards the stairs. Halfway up she stopped and leaned against the wall, breathing heavily and shut her eyes tightly, trying to hold in her tears.

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