Worth It

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     Thanks To mvan899 for the request!

Date: March 2018

"Look I'm sorry that I can't come home this weekend," Chandler said over the phone, "Vincent booked us a gig last minute and I can't disappoint all the people that we'll be there."

"But you can disappoint me?" Katelyn asked bitterly as she laid on her bed at her parent's house.

She was staying with them over spring break and Chandler was supposed to come home this weekend so they could spend spring break together at least that had been the plan until he had called to cancel last minute because he had some Eclipse show to do in LA.

"Kate that's not fair, I want to be in Atlanta with you."

"Then what's stopping you?"

"I have a show to do, I now its last minute but I'll fly out Sunday and be there by Monday morning," Chandler said, growing somewhat annoyed.

"Ever since you moved to LA you've canceled plans last minute three times now, I'm glad your music career is going well but I miss you and I can't keep doing this with you," Katelyn sighed.

"You're the one who pushed me to go to LA and work with Haleigh and Vincent. I'm sorry I can't come home every damn weekend. My career is important to me."

"More important than our relationship?"

"No of course not...but my music is my life, it's the only thing I have right now," Chandler said and as soon as he said the last part, he regretted it, he basically had just put his foot in his mouth.

"It's the only thing?" Katelyn asked angrily, "What about your family or your friends and let's not forget our relationship," She snapped.

"Stop making something out of nothing...I meant that music is all I have right now when it comes to my career. I'm sorry my life isn't like yours's and I don't have everything figured out yet," His voice was raised indicating he was getting angry with Katelyn.

"I don't have everything figured out either, but at least I know what is important in my life," Katelyn said.

"So now my music isn't important, you said you liked my music."

"I do, honest Chan I do, but to me it's not as important as our relationship. Let me now when you decide what's more important," She said as she tried to blink back tears.

"It sounds like you're asking me to choose between our relationship and my music. I don't believe in ultimatums," He said.

"I'm not, I just think you need to figure out what's important and what you want to do with your life or at least get an idea."

"My Music is important and I'm trying to figure out to do with my life, I thought I could count on your support," He yelled and she pulled her ear away from the phone.

"I do support you! I do! But I feel like second place right now and I can't keep doing it. I can't keep doing long distance" Katelyn yelled back.

"If that's how you feel...then maybe we shouldn't be doing distance...maybe we shouldn't be doing anything," Chandler said, his voice cracked.

Before she could respond, he hung up.

She let out frustrating scream and then threw her head into her pillow and cried.


"I just...I can't believe we're over," Katelyn said to her mother and she handed her a mug off hot chocolate, "Thanks," she gave her mother a tiny smile.

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