Your Very Own Drawer

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Date: June 2018

Chandler loved hanging out at Katelyn's apartment, or to be more specific sleeping over at her apartment.

Vivian and her boyfriend were off in Florida and Chandler was spending the week at Katelyn's. He normally crashed at her place a few times a month, but spending a whole together wasn't something they'd done yet.

Right now they were currently watching a movie, cuddled up on the couch, kissing and holding each other close and laughing at the talking bear on TV.

"How come we don't do this more often?" Chandler asked as he nuzzled his face against her soft brown hair, and inhaled the scent of her lavender shampoo.

"Probably because we've both been so busy," Katelyn answered, shifting her body to look at him, "Me with school and you with your music," she said.

"Well I'm done with my music for the time being and school doesn't start until the end of august so many I should move in here for the summer," Chandler suggested.

"I don't know, I mean it's already pretty crowded in here with just Viv and I, I don't know if this place is big enough for three people."

"Sure it is, you and I can share your room and we'll get rid of some of Vivian's 'false meat' and put some real meat in the fridge instead," Chandler said and she rolled her eyes.

"Chandler she's a vegan, let it go," Katelyn sighed.

"I don't have a problem with her being a vegan, I just have a problem with tofu bacon," Chandler teased.

"Okay let's say you do move in here, where would your stuff go?" Katelyn asked.

"Well you have two closets, so if you put all you stuff in one and then I could put all of my stuff in the other one," Chandler said.

"Um no, I need both my closets," Katelyn said.

"You do not, you can put all your cloths in one closet," Chandler argued.

"I know and my other one is where I store my music equipment and before you asked, no I'm not storing it at my parents place," she gave him a pointed look.

"I wasn't going to ask, I was just going to suggest that we get a dresser that could fit both of our stuff," Chandler said.

Katelyn said up, her brain churning as an idea formed in her head. "Come with me," she said and ran off towards her room.


"There I know it's not a lot but it's a start," Katelyn said as they stared at the empty drawer.

She turned and looked at him, "Look I don't think we're quite ready to live together full time yet, but now you have your very own drawer and that way you can keep some of your clothes here and maybe keep your toothbrush and stuff in the bathroom, that way you can stay here a little more often," Katelyn said.

"I like it, let's see how this goes and revisit the whole moving in conversation in the future?" Chandler asked.

Katelyn nodded, "Sounds good," she said and pulled him into a kiss.

So maybe they weren't ready to live together, that didn't mean they didn't want to and by giving Chandler his own drawer, it gave him the ability to stay over more often and for now that was perfect for both of them. All that mattered was that they were happy and together.

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