Our Place

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Date: January 2019

"Wait so she actual asked if you were cool with growing weed in here?" Chandler asked, laughing at Katelyn's story.

She laughed, "Yep and then she assured me that she could do it safely without blowing this place up," Katelyn said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Oh lord that's freaking hilarious," He said.

She sighed, "I miss Vivian."

Katelyn's best friend and roommate Vivian had recently moved to France after receiving an internship at a modeling agency. This had left Katelyn trying to find a new suitable roommate.

"I never realized how hard it would be to find a suitable roommate, Viv was the best roommate ever. She didn't leave messes, we used to have dance parties and she wasn't a drug user or manufacture for that matter."

"She also was a sound sleeper and never complained when I stayed over," Chandler said with a smirk and watched his Girlfriend blush and roll her eyes, "She did have a weird taste in food though."

"Chan, she was a vegan."

"All I'm saying is that tofu bacon should be illegal." He stated.

Katelyn rolled her eyes, "At this rate I'll never find a roommate."

Chandler placed his hands on her shoulder and began to rub her shoulders, "Don't worry babe, you'll think of something."


Later that night after a very long make out session, Katelyn and Chandler lay in her bed, he spooned her from behind.

"This is nice, I like sleeping next to you, I always sleep better with you in my arms," Chandler said softly as he nuzzled his face in her soft brown hair.

She sighed contently, "You should sleep next to me every night."

He laughed, "I wish."

She turned over and looked at him, "I'm serious Chan, move in with me."

He looked at her with a surprised look, "Are you serious? Do you think that we're ready to live together?"

She giggled, "Well I mean we've been together for almost three years, we love each other very much and we've been through a lot. I think we're ready to live together," she ran her hands through his hair, smiling lovingly at him.

He smiled back, "Well than Miss Nacon, I guess I'm going to have to get my own set of keys than."

Katelyn made a happy little squeak and kissed him.

This apartment wasn't just going to be her place anymore, it was going to be their place.


"Okay move it a little to the left," Katelyn said as she directed Gray and Chris as they attempted to move a couch, "No my left not your left Chris."

Chandler laughed, Katelyn could be a little general at times and everyone knew that when she was in full on "General mode" that arguing with her was pointless.

"Babe, I think the couch is fine right where it is," he said, noticing the pleading looks on his brother and her brothers faces.

"I guess, okay now we just need to move the tv to the other wall and then mount it,"

Grayson started backing out of the room, "Yeah no offense but Chandler is better with tools than I am, plus I have a date with Maya." He said grabbing his coat, he waved goodbye as he left.

"Sorry guys I have to go too, I have a meeting to get to." Chris said, he hugged Katelyn and fist bump Chandler and then left as well.

As the door closed, Katelyn looked over at Chandler, "Are you actually good with tools?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to use a hammer and a drill."


"How's your thumb?" Katelyn asked as she sat down on the couch beside Chandler.

"Fine, the nail is bruised but other than that it's fine," he said, wrapping his arm around her, "Who knew hammers could be that dangerous."

She giggled, "At least you got the tv mounted."

He nodded, "I know right, I think I did a good job," he said looking pleased with himself.

She kissed his cheek, "You did good babe."

He smirked, "I think our place looks pretty awesome, don't you?"

She nodded, "It does, and I like the sound of that."

"Our place?"

She nodded, "Yeah it sounds rights."

He smiled and snuggled with her, he liked it to, this was their home, and this was their place.

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