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It's been 24 hours since Elijah first entered the house.

24 hours of doing what he says, when he says it.

Kennedy, Maddie, and I have been kept away from the boys for the most part, but sometimes we manage to sneak in a few minutes with them.

We aren't allowed to leave the house, and we are under someone's supervision 99% of the time. We have made them all of their food, and we've basically done whatever they wanted us to because they've threatened us with their gun.

I was making dinner with Kennedy and Maddie when I felt someone behind me. With a shiver, I turned around to see Elijah.

"Where are the others?" I asked quietly.

"They are in one of the bedrooms. I think Josh wanted them to post things on their Twitter to reassure the fans." He explained.

I only nodded, keeping my head down and myself as far away from him as possible.

"Why don't you like me, Emma?"

I turned around, a shocked expression painted on my face.

"Seriously?!" I raised my voice a bit. "Are you really asking me that as you're holding me and my friends hostage, threatening to kill us all?"

He rolled his eyes. "That's besides the point."

"How is that besides the point?!"

He sighed. "You know, Kennedy and Maddie, you have a very difficult friend here."

Maddie threw down her bowl full of cherries and whipped around.

"Why are you doing this, Elijah?" She asked angrily. A smirk danced across his lips.

"You can blame Emma," he said. "To finish what we started."

He stalked out of the room. Kennedy and Maddie gave me a confused, wide-eyed look before Elijah peeked his head around the corner.

"Actually, Emma, come with me." He disappeared around the corner once again.

   I turned around and gave the girls a look, mouthing "Call the cops." They nodded urgently and Kennedy rushed to the emergency phone we kept above the microwave.

   I turned and headed down the hallway, following Elijah into the studio we had for when the boys wanted to record at home.

   "After you." He beckoned me into the room. I walked in, him following and locking the door.

   "Is this all seriously about what happened at the club?" I asked.

   I wasn't scared of him. I had to be the bigger person if we were to get out of this situation.

   "It's not just that, Emma," he chuckled. "It's the way you treated me at the hotel."

   "That was like six months ago!" My voice was raising.

   "I tried so hard to get your attention, but you wouldn't even pass a sparing glance at me. When I saw your boyfriend, Jonah, I felt so sorry for you."

   I gave him a confused look. "Why would you feel sorry for me?"

   "Because I knew you'd be better off with me."

   "You are a physcopath." I scoffed.

   I could see the anger building up inside of him.

   "Go." He muttered, about to explode like a firecracker.

   I quickly jumped up and left the room, dashing back to the kitchen.

Cause and Effect || Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now