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Now it was Monday, and Corbyn and Jonah were feeling much better. The boys didn't have to go back to work for a while, and now we are all lying around doing nothing.

"What should we do today?" Zach asked.

"Let's go skinny dipping!" Daniel yelled from the other room. I burst into laughter, quickly saying that was not a good idea.

"That is not happening," Zach laughed. "But I'm hungry, let's go get lunch!"

We all loaded into the same car this time, and blasted Why Don't We's These Girls on the way there since it was only about a 5 minute drive to the Olive Garden.

"How many today?" A young waitress asked us when we arrived.

"Seven." Daniel replied.

The waitress was around the same age as us, with short black hair and pale skin. She was very pretty, and good at makeup, too.

Once we all ordered, I could tell from the look in Zach's eye that he wouldn't let her leave so easily.

"So where are you from?" He asked. The waitress, who's name we now knew was Grace, looked a bit flustered for a second, surprised by the sudden question.

"Um, LA. How about you?"

"No way! We're from LA too!" He said, too enthusiastically. "Us five are in a band called Why Don't We."

Recognition showed up in Grace's eyes. "I thought I recognized you from somewhere!"

Zach seemed very into the conversation with this girl. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree every time she spoke.

Grace obviously had to leave since she was working, but we enjoyed our meal and ordered like 20 baskets of breadsticks. Of course, it was probably because Jack and Corbyn wasted many of them by sword fighting with them.

At the end of our meal, I'm assuming Zach took this as his last chance to not be a single man, because he swept in like a hungry hawk.

"So, Grace... can I have your number? We should hang out sometime." He said smoothly. Since I know how nervous Zach was right now, it was hard not to laugh at his nonchalant actions.

"Sure!" She responded cheerfully. "Let me see your phone." Her and Zach exchanged phones, but it took Grace a second longer.

"Sorry, I couldn't find the contacts app." She explained, handing it back.

We thanked Grace for our meal and left. We piled into the car when Zach's phone lit up. His features were filled with confusion, but flickered to shock.

"Oh. My. Gosh."

"What?" I asked.

"Grace texted the American Red Cross to donate on my phone!" His jaw was dropped to the floor. We started laughing hysterically and I knew that Zach really liked her.

We arrived at the house and Jonah and I sat on the couch, eating the breadsticks that him and I shoved into my purse.

"I wish these breadsticks were a person so I could marry them." Jonah said seriously.

"Some lady married a wall, I'm sure you can marry a breadstick," I laughed. "But that would only be a one-way relationship."

We turned on the TV and watched Star Wars: A New Hope. I'm such a nerd, but at least Jonah is, too. We git about 30 minutes into the movie when Jack came bursting into my room.

"WE'RE HAVING A BARBECUE AT SIX! BE READY AND INVITE WHO YOU WANT!" He ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Jonah and I exchanged a look before jumping up and running downstairs to the living room.

Cause and Effect || Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now