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~this chapter contains sensitive topics such as rape and abuse~

"Where the heck am I?!" I yelled, sitting up quickly. I instantly got a terrible headache and scooted back so I was leaning up against the wall.

"Crap." Elijah muttered under his breath. He froze. He was butt naked.

It was only then that I noticed that I was naked except for my bra and underwear. Taking in my surroundings, I discovered that I was on a bed.

"What is going on?" I asked nervously.

Elijah marched forward, grabbing my underarms and lifting me off the bed so I was now standing. He pinned me against the wall.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you and all of your friends. Don't doubt me on that." He whispered, our faces practically touching. A wave of realization swept over me, although my mind was still very blurry.

"Were you trying to rape me?!" I shouted. He quickly put his hand over my mouth.

"What did I just say?"

"Let go of me!" I tried to get out of his grip, but he held my wrists firmly.

I kicked him in the balls, causing him to lunge over for a moment so I could begin to put my dress back on. He got up fairly quick and shoved me into a wall.

I scrambled to get up, but he grabbed me and gave me a few punches in the stomach, causing me to cry out in pain.

With one last burst of energy, I kicked him in the balls once again and ran out of the room, locking the door behind me.

I ended up in a dark hallway, but I could still hear the music from the club. I ran in the direction of the music, and I finally burst though the door that led me to the club.

I ran into the bathroom, locking myself in a stall. I started sobbing. My hair was a mess and I still couldn't walk straight from the drugs he had put in my drink. My stomach, arms, and legs were burning from the fight, and I began to throw up from the pain.

I finally got myself together and sat down on the toilet seat.

What if I hadn't woken up in time? What if he had given me enough drugs? What if I tell, and he actually kills them?

I decided not to tell. I couldn't risk my friend's lives at the expense of me. I walked out of the stall and tried to refresh myself the best I could.

Once it looked like I hadn't been throwing up and crying my eyes out, I went back out to find the others.

The first person I saw was Jack, who was standing off to the side and talking to some boy. I approached him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey Jack, I'm going back to the hotel, okay?" I said quietly.

A worried expression washed over his face. He excused himself and stepped off to the side with me.

"Are you alright? You look like you've been crying." He asked gently.

Darn it.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I quickly nodded. "I'm just tired, that's all."

"Okay, well you shouldn't be driving back alone at night. I'll go with you." He said. My eyes widened.

"No!" I said loudly. I forced myself to gain my composure. "I'll be fine. It's only a few blocks."

He sighed. "Fine, but you better tell Jonah."

I nodded and turned around to go find him.

"Wait, Emma," Jack said. I turned around. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

I mustered a warm smile. "Yeah, Jack, I know. Thanks."

I went off to find Jonah. I saw him talking to Zach and Corbyn. I approached them, grabbing Jonah's hand.

   "I'm getting tired, I'm gonna head back to the hotel." I said.

   Jonah looked at Zach and Corbyn, who all looked at me suspiciously.

   "Are you okay babe?" He asked.

   "I'm fine, I didn't get very much sleep last night and it's catching up with me. I'll see you later babe." I kissed him on the cheek and quickly left the building.

   As I walked through the cold air, I began to cry. I kept my head down and moved fast as to not be noticed.

   I was about halfway there when my phone went off.

Zach ok now tell me what's wrong

Emma I told u I'm tired

Zach mhm Emma I know you better than that. You're a party girl

Emma Zach I'm tired just leave it

Zach I'm coming back to the hotel

Emma no Zach I promise you I'm fine

Zach fine

Zach but all of us are coming back sooner than planned. We are all getting tired anyway

Emma ok whatever

Zach also why were you gone for like two hours earlier

Emma I wasn't

Zach yes you were

Emma idk what you're talking about

Emma bye Zach.

Zach see you soon love you

Emma ❤️

   I don't remember how, but I finally reached my hotel room. I changed clothes and jumped into bed.

   Two hours?

   I couldn't have been gone for that long. A wave of dread hit me.

   I thought I had woken up in time.

   But I hadn't.

I hate writing these types of chapters but it has to be done to shape the characters and the story

Word Count: 904

Cause and Effect || Jonah MaraisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ