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   "Gosh dang it, Emma! Wake up!" I heard someone yell. I opened my eyes to find a blurry Kennedy standing in front of me.

   "I'm up, I'm up." I scrambled to find my shirt and sweatpants. Kennedy mouth turned to an 'o' shape.

   "Oh, my g- did you and Jonah...?" She whispered.

   "NO!" I whispered back. "How would I even be able to do that with underwear and a bra?" She shrugged. My best friend was so dumb sometimes.

   "We are leaving soon, so get up. Our last stop is Cedar Point." She said, leaving the room.

   I was very excited for Cedar Point since I had never been. Kennedy goes every year with her family, and most people go several times in their life, but not me. Plus, I love roller coasters.

   After I ate eggs made by Chef Chev, I picked out my clothes for the day. I settled on pink Nike pro shorts, sneakers, and a white flowy tank top. I put my hair up in a bun and went outside to meet the others down at the lobby.

   When we were in the van, I sat next to Jonah and Kennedy.

   "Have you ever been to Cedar Point?" Jonah asked.

   "No, actually," I said. This resulted in a series gasps from the others. Everyone started shouting out different things that I just have to try and things to do. "I love roller coasters, so don't worry. I'll go on everything!"

   Upon arriving at the park, we went through security and decided to work our way towards the back. The first ride was called The Raptor.

   "Who's going?" Jack asked as he ran to get in line.

   "I think I'm gonna pass on this one," Zach said. "I'm not a huge fan." Zach was never really a fan of roller coasters.

   The rest of the group got in line. When we got to the front, I got into the very front cart. Jonah got in next to me, Daniel and Kennedy behind us, and Corbyn and Jack behind us. The worker told us that there would be a loud beep when the stoplight turned green before the ride started, so I decided to have a little fun.

   When the stoplight turned yellow, I screamed "#KANIEL!!!" And right afterwards, the beep sounded and we were jerked forward.

   I turned around to see Kennedy gaping at me, but it didn't last long because suddenly we were upside down.

   "JEEPERS NUTS!" Jack screamed in the back. This caused me to burst into hysterical laughter, meaning I was screaming and laughing at the same time. Let's just say that it was not a good mix.

   It took me about a minute to gain my composure, but by that point the ride was only about halfway over. As the ride swooped downwards, I felt Jonah grab my hand. I looked up at him and smiled before we went upside down again, making me scream. We held hands the entire ride.

   A few hours later, we had made it about halfway through the rides when we decided to eat lunch. We went to this Roadhouse-type restaurant, and a different sports game was playing on each TV.

   "Are you ready to order?" A waiter asked us once we were seated. Everything looked really good, but I went with my go-to meal.

   "I'll have the chicken tenders please," I said politely.

   "I'll take the Mac n Cheese," Jonah said.

   "Ooo! I'll have that too," Corbyn jumped in excitedly.

   After everyone ordered, we waited for our food. We were definitely the loudest group there, probably because Zach, Jack, and I were playing the Penis Game.

   "Penis!" Jack said, pretty loudly. He smirked at me.

   "You can't beat that!" Zach stated nervously.

   Watch me.

   "PENIS!" I yelled. Everyone at our table burst into laughter.

   "You win, you win," Jack said in between breaths.

   A few minutes later, we got our food. It was delicious, and we gave the waiter a very big tip.

   We left the restaurant and were about to go on the Valraven when Jonah and Corbyn suddenly looked really sick.

   "Are you guys alright?" I asked.

   "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna stop at the bathroom, I'll  catch up." Jonah quickly said.

   "Me too!" Corbyn agreed. They both ran towards the bathrooms, but before Jonah could make it, he threw up. Which made Corbyn throw up. We ran over to the boys, and I put my hand on Jonah's back.

   "Babe, maybe we should go home." I suggested. Corbyn shook his head violently.

   "We're fine, really." He said.

   "You both ordered the same thing at that restaurant. Maybe it's food poisoning?" Daniel said.

   "That's what it feels like to me." Jonah and Corbyn mumbled.

   "We're going home, we can come back another day." Kennedy said, with everyone nodding in agreement. Jonah and Corbyn sighed, slowly standing up. It looked like they were having trouble, so I helped Jonah and Daniel helped Corbyn.

   I put an arm around Jonah's waist and we took slow steps, as he was very unstable. We had only moved a few feet when Jonah muttered "hold on" and turned the other  way to throw up. Zach and I shared a look that read How can someone throw up twice in under 5 minutes? Don't ask how I read all of that.

   Jonah returned to me, and after 20 minutes, we finally made it to the van. Jack helped the sick boys into their seats. They were both really weak, and I was worried.

   "Do you want to take a flight back and drop the van off at the rental place?" Jack asked.

   "That's a good idea," I said. "Are you guys feeling up to that?" They both nodded, so Daniel went on his phone ans booked a flight.

   "It leaves in an hour." He stated. Luckily, we had plenty of time.

   We dropped the van off and made our way to the airport. We had to stop at airport bathrooms 5 times, 3 for Corbyn and 2 for Jonah. I made them both drink some Gatorade before we got on the plane.

   As we were on our flight, Corbyn and Jonah were both passed out within minutes of takeoff. There were 3 people to a row, and I was in between Jonah and Kennedy.

   "I feel so bad for them." I told Kennedy worriedly. "Do you think it's food poisoning?" She nodded.

   "Definitely. My mom had it last year, and it looks like the same thing."

   That made me feel better since food poisoning usually goes away after a few hours. Since we had a couple of hours until our flight landed, I took some earbuds out of my bag and listened to Charlie Puth's new album, Voicenotes.

   I glanced nervously at Jonah, who was sleeping soundly. I kissed him on the neck before returning back to my music, many thoughts on my mind.



So I've gotten a few messages of people saying my story is "cringy" or you think "they make out too much". I've addressed this several times and this will be the last; if you don't like my story, don't read it.

I can actually relate to Lili Reinhart on a spiritual level and not only because I'm dating Cole Sprouse ;)

Only a few more days until I get ungrounded .. I am currently writing from my Kindle haha kill me

Word Count: 1239

Cause and Effect || Jonah MaraisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum