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I would like thank my family for helping me through several life-long lessons. I love each and every one of them. From my father to my mother to my sister and to the others. I would like thank a fellow creative writing professor, Dr. Daniel T. Smith. He helped a lot along with my other fellow creative writing classmates.

This story was originally based on a short story I did entitled, “The Demon’s Keeper”. In that story a mortal brother has to help his half-brother who’s a half-demon/half-human. Some of the characters and themes I kept the same once I refocused the short story into what you’re reading right now. Dr. Smith and my fellow creative writing classmates gave me some great criticisms with my short story. So without them and their faith in believing in these characters, I wouldn’t have The Demon Trials.

I would like to thank to my other friends. I would like to thank Wattpad for being this amazing platform for my very first novel-like story to be published. I would like to truly thank my nephew for bringing me to this site. If it wasn’t for him, The Demon Trials would still be hidden for years. So thanks, nephew if you’re reading this part. And I would like to especially thank you readers for reading this story. I hope you comment and give me feedback on what you read. What you like? What you dislike? I’m open to anything.

And like I say before, thanks for reading this…yet there is more… 

The Demon Trials (The Demon Trials #1)Where stories live. Discover now