Chapter 32

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Observing Desmond’s appearance, it appears he has that look of a person leaving, but is he. Is he really departing? Why is he leaving? Where is he going? Am I going to see him again? I look at him to fully understand why.

“So you’re leaving.” I say.

“Yes.” He responds back.

“Okay, so why you need to go?” I ask.

Desmond taking out his little black book and then raises it near his face and starts to answer my question. “I told you about this book. This book about the information that there are tricks and tips I want any future wizard to read upon; I need more time.”

“And here in Oakston, it won’t give you that?” I ponder.

“Like you, I need more practice.” He says. “I’m not a great wizard… yet.”

“But you will be soon.” I say.

“I will be soon.” He says.

I then start to think about the demons. I realize after Asmodeus’ death, I have not sense any demonic hellions, hellhounds, or any vile creatures out to get me. I wonder if Desmond felt that. If he did, maybe that is the main reason he is leaving. Or maybe what Karina is say is right; there is anarchy down there.

“Tell me this, is the reason you leaving partly due to a lack of demons up here.”

“It may have contributed.”

“I wonder if you want to be more of a wizard.”

“Yeah that’s mostly the reason.” He continues, “It’s not like I’m going to forget everything in Oakston from the forest, marshes, and the nice townsfolk.”


“Especially you and friends.”

I then start to think about Oxley and his safety; I remembered Demsond told me Oxley told us he will come back when he is ready. I do not know if he is coming back now, but another reason Demsond is leaving is to find Oxley.

“Admit, just once, is part of your leaving to track your master.”

“To find Oxley; who knows, maybe it is part of my quest to learn more about the world.” He continues, “I told you the main reason I’m leaving is because of me wanting to be a greater wizard, but another major part is that I want to explore the world.”


“Are you coming back?” I ask.

“I will be back, but who knows going on a world tour might be longer than I thought.” He replies.

“Well, whatever happens in the world, I know you can handle it.” I say.

“Guess the world won’t know how to handle Desmond Zard.” He says crackling at that.

I giggle a bit hearing that comment. I realize Desmond will handle his own. He did great helping me and the others in my fight against Asmodeus and his goons that were out to get me. He even helped me finish the third trial trying to find that vessel. I cannot even expect what will happen if a demon attacks again.

“It will suck without you; I know I can’t count on you to help face off against a demon, just in case they do come back.” I say.

“Well, you defeated Asmodeus. He wasn’t a puny demon. He was one of the most powerful demons. If you can take him out, you can take any creature out.” Desmond says.

“I hope I have that full-on confidence you have.” I say.

“It’s not confidence; its certainty.” He says.

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