Chapter 28

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A/N: So like this album..... WHO TOLD THEM THEY COULD BE THIS GOOD, also how ya'll not gonna tell us you worked with Nicki? No wonder Yoongi is suddenly using English and shouting her album out. sly little shits.

I wake up to Yoongi bouncing on me and I groan "Who are you are what did you do with my fiancee because he is never this hyper."

He giggles childishly "The album gets released today, get uuuppp!" He shakes my shoulder and starts kissing all over my face.

I groan and push him away. "Alright energizer bunny I'm getting up."

"We are going to the company building and hanging out with staff and the boys and stuff before the album release."

I hum and get up "Alright I'm getting dressed what do you want me to wear?"

"Clothes" he shrugs nonchalantly. I roll my eyes at him and go in the closet and throw something random on. 

"Always so simple, but so beautiful

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"Always so simple, but so beautiful." Yoongi pecks my lips when I come out of the closet. I go in the bathroom and brush my teeth and do my make-up while Yoongi gets dressed. 

I whistle playfully at him when he comes in the bathroom to fix his hair and he rolls his eyes at me with a smile "Red is such a nice hair color on you, You want some help?"

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I whistle playfully at him when he comes in the bathroom to fix his hair and he rolls his eyes at me with a smile "Red is such a nice hair color on you, You want some help?"

He nods and I make him crouch down and I mess with his hair a little, making it look slightly messy but nice "There"

"Thank you baby."

I nod "No problem, are we bringing the dogs?"

He shrugs "I don't see why not." I nod and go downstairs and get Holly and Bella ready to go. Yoongi comes down and we get our shoes on and Yoongi takes Holly and I take Bella and we go down to the car and get both dogs in the back and Yoongi drives.

When we get down to the studio Yoongi pulls me to the couch and in his lap and starts talking with some of the producers that worked with them on this album. Hoseok comes over and hands me a beer and also one for Yoongi and sits down next to me. "I'm proud of you guys Hobi, I know I haven't heard any of the new tracks but I don't need to to know they are amazing."

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