Itachi raised his brow. He couldn't understand what word Deidara had mouthed to him. Deidara shook his head and looked away. Stupid alpha.

"And now if we can have the godparents step forward and perform their first duty in their newly appointed role." The holy man announced.

That was the cue. Deidara and Itachi stepped in front of the gold basin that the priest stood behind. Inside the basin was a pool of blood from a slaughtered boar. It was purified and therefore now symbolized the blood of the dragon. It was ridiculous to Deidara.

Itachi had explained to him hours ago how an Uchiha baptism worked. The godparents would gather some blood on to their fingers and then mark the babies forehead with it to symbolize the blood of the dragon (the will of the Uchiha people) being transmitted to the baby. If auntie Kushina were here she'd find the whole thing horribly savage and ridiculous too. She'd have a fit the moment Naruto's skin was cut with the knife. Even Deidara was having trouble with it but he knew this was an honor so he kept his reservations about the whole thing to him self. He wasn't an Uchiha so to him this was strange the same way the Uchiha's found things about his own clan strange.

Deidara dipped his pointer finger into the blood. Itachi did the same. Then in unison they marked Ashura and Indra's foreheads with the blood.

The guests clapped in congratulations for the new godparents and also for the heir's official welcome into the Uchiha clan.

Deidara smiled as Itachi became shy from all the attention on them. He knew how much this meant to Itachi. When Sasuke had asked him to be Ashura and Indra's godfather Itachi nearly cried. To be asked to be his brothers children's godfather meant Sasuke really had forgiven him. Their had always been a lingering doubt that Sasuke still hated him for what he had done but in asking him to be his children's godfather Itachi knew his brother really had forgiven him. Deidara was glad because Itachi needed that closure.

"Is the demon shy?" Deidara taunted, "how strange. Why? We practiced so it's not like you were going to mess up."

Itachi shook his head; "it's not that its just-" Itachi looked Deidara in the eye, "doesn't this sort of feel like a wedding?"

Deidara fought hard not to blush. Now that the alpha mentioned it this set up was similar to a mating ceremony except for the basin full of blood of course. He couldn't stop the blush. Why was the demon even thinking about such a thing and why had he gotten shy while thinking about it? "Don't say such weird things!"

Itachi smiled, "sorry. It was just an observation. You'd make a pretty bride so my mind naturally went there."

Deidara couldn't help but smile. The demon could be sweet when he wanted to be.

The priest ordered for Itachi and Deidara to hand the twins back over to their birth parents. Once back in his mother arms Ashura calmed down instantly and Indra was just as calm as always in his father's arms.

The ceremony wore on and all Deidara could think about was Itachi's shy expression as he thought about them getting married. Deidara got butterflies as he drifted off into a daydream of Itachi claiming him as his omega in a beautiful ceremony and then later when they were alone Itachi would bite his neck. It'd hurt but he'd finally have a mate that he belonged to. It was one of the biggest milestones in an omegas life.

Little did the omega know Itachi was daydreaming about the same thing.


After the long hours of festivities Deidara and Naruto found themselves in the twins nursery. The nursery was one of the most heavily guarded rooms in the entire palace. It resided on the second floor. The walls were painted a creamy soft yellow and decorated with two portraits of the twins that were framed in gold. The frame for Ashura's portrait had a blue eyed dragon carved into it so that it popped out in a manner that made it look like the dragon was going to attack whoever laid eyes on the painting. Indra's portrait had a similar dragon except his dragon's eyes were red. They had been gifts from the emperor. On the other wall was a script that read "The twin dragons of the north shall you never forget your roots in the west, love Grandpa & Grandma." The elegant script had been sent by the twin's maternal grandfather also known as the emperor of Whirlpool, Jiraiya. Even after a year the two emperors each claimed ownership of the twins. It was amusing to Naruto.

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