Chapter 18, Man Candy

Start from the beginning

"Amber... you're... you're back..." Blake whispers.

"Not Amber," Goldy sings.

Those two words hit me hard. I almost forgot about Rebma. Not because I'm ignorant, but maybe just a little hopeful. I want the golden girl back. The girl that danced with me at the Northern ball and had a Jane Austen Quotes sparring match with me. The girl that teased me mercilessly about my boxing robe. I want the girl that never, ever judged and made me see people differently. She's the only shot I have at getting a love like the one my parents share. 

I suddenly have my mind drifting back to my parents. I still want Goldy to see them again. They seemed to get along great and I wonder if they still will now that she's technically their leader as well. I miss my family. My younger sister, Kelly, especially. It's hard with them so far away. Safe. But still far away.

I watch as Goldy struts past us and heads to the office. The rest of us share a look before following her and standing at the door while she ravages her desk for a piece of paper and pen. It's so weird to see Goldy constantly in gang leader mode. I miss the days where she could just be. Just be fun. Just be kind. Just be. Now it's all planning and being serious.

"Where's Gareth and Falco?" Goldy asks.

"Upstairs, we'll go get them," the twins say before running up to fetch Goldy's new second in command and his son.

"Amby?" Lynch suddenly asks before stepping forward.

Goldy looks up for a split second to acknowledge Lynch before she has her noes in more papers. "We need to try and set up a meeting with the South. I don't trust the North. Blake, you need to go make sure our latest drug shipment made it to the docks. Owen, I want your girls back in business, but make sure their rent and groceries are paid for. Sean, stay here and make sure all the cars will be running smooth. I want the twins to invite the South over some time. I'll talk to Gareth and Falco in a sec and, and... And who the hell are you?" Goldy asks while looking straight at Myra.

"Uh, I'm Myra, I just n-need a place to c-crash at," Myra hastily tries to explain while fixing her purple wig.

"You one of Owen's night girls?" Goldy asks.

Myra has a hard expression that coats her face when she says: "I am not a prostitute."

"Then what use are you?" Goldy asks with a face of stone. Gang leader mode.

"I'm a great listener and from what I gathered, you need eyes on the North and South. See what threat they are. I don't think either will wait very long before doing something. My best bet is going somewhere where both gangs ought to be. And since there are only two areas of neutral ground in Tygerwell, I can already point out which will be the best option for spying. The school of course. You need to watch them there," Myra explains - ending with a classic push of her thick rimmed glasses.

"She's right," Blake suddenly says, "Tygerwell is and will always be the one place to find all four, or well, three gangs at..."

Goldy looks at Myra for a long moment before letting her attention fall back onto the paper work and saying: "I like her. Make sure she has a room. Whoever is willing, may take her to get some clothes. It seems that my brains, Blake, has found himself some brains."

Everyone falls into place, Blake heading to the door with a sour expression, Myra looking around and sending me a weirdly flirty smile - almost forced, before following Blake. And Lynch, standing there completely lost.

"You called?" I hear a scruffy voice ask next to me. When I turn, it's Gareth with his head held high as always. The dark skin and even darker look in his eyes make him look dangerous, but the small smile he has reminds me we're on the same team.

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