00 - I'm Here

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"Bennett!" I scream as I open eyes and spring out of bed. "He's here!"

But it's too late.

Seth Ragnor is standing in the doorway, a devilish grin spread across his face. He's exactly what I dreamed...down to the long, leather jacket. His shoulder-length, jet black hair hangs loosely around his face. His blood red eyes glow in the darkness of the room and his pale, white skin almost glows as he floats towards me.

"Loralei Winters. It's about time we met. Well, in person." He says, his voice cool and eerie. His grin grows larger as he gets closer and closer.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, my eyes darting over to Bennett who is now sitting awake in the bed. He too is staring at my father with an unknown expression on his face.

"Isn't it obvious?" He says.

"I wouldn't be asking if it was obvious," I reply snarkily. "Just answer the question, Ragnor."

"Is this really the way to speak to your father?" He says before seemingly teleporting to me in a flash of red light.


"Yes, Loralei." He whispers, bringing his hand to my neck as he leans forward to my ear. He tightens his grip on my neck. "Your great power comes from me."


"Yes, my darling little Hybrid." That voice. "I am Seth Ragnor. First Bloodren. Former Megin. Your Father.

"And you may also know me as Seline."

"No." I whisper, my eyes looking at Bennett who refuses to look at me. He's staring down at the comforter that covers his lower half. An awful feeling begins to settle within me.

"Yes. You weren't progressing as fast as I was hoping for, so I had to adjust my plan a little. It worked well. You never suspected a thing." He says, the grin never faltering.

"I don't understand. Your plan?"

"Yes, my plan." He says as he runs his hand down my neck, to my shoulder and down my arm. His grin disappears as his face turns angry. "Although, I'm pretty sure bedding her was not part of the plan."

"I know."

"You know, yet you did it anyway. Serves me right trusting a Guipago to do anything right." Ragnor growls.

"What?" I whimper, my eyes finding Bennett's for just a second before he turns away - a pained look on his face.

"You still don't get it?" My father says, his grin returning. "Your dear Bennett here has been working for me this entire time!" He gestures to the man I thought I knew.


"Bennett and I, we had this deal. You see, he really hates the Protectors and I really need them dead in order to become the ruler of the Night. So, him and I hatched together a little scheme. Befriend my darling daughter and I will gift him whatever his little heart desires." He pauses. "Isn't that right, Benny-boy?"

"It's right." Bennett grits out, his voice strained and tired. "But I swear that was before I got to know you, Little One. It was different then. I-"

"If things were different, why didn't you tell me?" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek, falling to the ground. "No, you just thought you could fuck the job before delivering her, didn't you?"

He looks down in shame, not answering my questions. I feel my heart breaking and a sob building in my throat, but I swallow it down. No need to show more emotion.

"You fucking asshole. I hate you!" I scream out, ripping myself from Ragnor and running towards the man I gave my virginity to with claws ready.

Well, maybe a little more emotion is okay.

"Why did you take things so far?! I'm going to kill you!"

Unfortunately, Ragnor stops me - wrapping his arms around my waist. He holds me still with ease despite my thrashing about.

"Ah, even though watching you rip him limb by limb would be a pleasurable experience, he and I have a deal. He is to be unharmed." Ragnor whispers in my ear.

" You and him have a deal. That does not include me!" I growl, trying to pull away from him.

"But you are my blood, Loralei. So you are included. Now I advise you to calm yourself before I have to do something I really do not want to do. At least yet." He presses himself against my back and I automatically still.

"I'm your daughter." I shudder, feeling his excitement in disgust.

"Labels, my darling. Labels." He states. "Never stopped me before."

More tears begin to freely fall as I look down at Bennett. Silently, I plead for his help. I beg him with my eyes to do something - anything - to free me from this monster.

But he doesn't do anything.

If anything these past few weeks meant anything to him, he wasn't showing it now.

With all the time we spent together. All the laughter, fights, kisses and smiles shared. Everything I thought we had, I thought I meant something to him. I thought He and I had something special. Something rare.

But it was a lie. Everything was a lie.

He lied to me.

He betrayed me.

He ripped my heart from my chest and stomped on it several times before setting it on fire with gasoline and a match.

He murdered me without actually killing me.

He broke me.

"Well, it's best we went on our way. Bennett, be a dear and grab some clothes for Loralei here. I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate walking around naked in front of my men." Ragnor says, chuckling. "Although I'm sure that would be a treat for them."

Bennett nods, exiting the room. He's gone for a few minutes, returning with a pair of ripped jeans, a black tank and the leather jacket I love so much. He hands me the clothes and I quickly put them on my body, no longer wanting him to see me in such a vulnerable state.

As I pull the jacket on, I begin to leave the room in search of my boots - Ragnor following closely behind. Once I find them, I hurriedly pull them on and then turn to Ragnor.

"Wonderful. Bennett," He says, turning to the Guipago who looks completely defeated. "A deal is a deal." Ragnor offers his hand and Bennett takes it.

"Just...don't hurt her." He says quietly before letting go.

"No guarantees." Ragnor states with a smirk before floating over to me and grasping my arm. "Until next time."

A wave of nausea washes over me as we disappear, only to reappear in a familiar room milliseconds later. It's the bedroom from my dreams... including the leather-bound book on the desk.

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