"Oh, his highness can make orders like a real sovereign now?" Sakura laughed humorlessly as two butlers held her arms and began to pull her out of the room.

"Don't pay her any mind." Mikoto advised Naruto. She motioned with her finger to Sakura to shut her mouth.

"Konan's death must've been good for you. Without her here to do everything for you you've actually begun behave like a real ruler." Sakura chortled as she completely ignored Mikoto's urgent hand signs to stop talking.

"Sakura!" Mikoto screamed, "have some respect, you live in Uchiha territory so Naruto is your sovereign! You may have been a queen but that doesn't permit you to do and say as you please. Don't forget that you're here only because I've asked my son on your behalf."

"Do you expect me to be grateful to you? I'm only in this situation because of what you did to me, you bitch!"

The butlers holding onto Sakura simultaneously looked down at her. They couldn't believe what the ex-princess had just said.


"Mother, it's fine." Naruto turned and finally set his eyes on Sakura. Even in her simple maid yukata she looked like royalty.

Naruto slowly walked up to Sakura. He kept his eyes on hers. She glared right back. He didn't know what Mikoto and Sakura were referring to but he didn't care right now. Something else was bothering him.

"Your maid, she was found with her neck slashed just like Konan's was she not?"

"Yes, what about it. Are you insinuating I killed Konan, your highness?" Sakura said mockingly.

"Answer me. Did you kill my handmaiden?" Naruto hissed. He could already feel the surge of pressure swell underneath his hand the way it did when he tried to form a rasengan.

Sakura laughed, a hollow sound in the tense room. "My maid was a simple submissive whose only duty was to fetch me things whenever I damn well pleased. It was easy to kill her.

I used a knife. My clan isn't like yours; we do things the correct way. Submissives don't learn things like jutsus. So even if I wanted to kill Konan I wouldn't be able to. Does that answer your question, or perhaps you'll only be satisfied if I confess to her murder, your highness?"

Naruto's restraint snapped. The way Sakura had said it, he could tell she didn't care not one ounce that Konan was gone.

He commanded the required energy to form a rasengan to the palm of his hand but no matter how hard he tried the rasengan wouldn't form. He suddenly felt dizzy and like he couldn't get enough air to his lungs no matter how deep he inhaled. Sakura smiled as Naruto fell to the ground. Mikoto and a maid rushed to his side and helped him stand.

"Naruto, are you okay?!" Mikoto caressed Naruto's cheek. His eyes were blearily staring back at her.

"Looks like being a sovereign is too much work for him. Maybe Sasuke-kun should get a better submissive."

"Get her out of here!" Mikoto yelled at the butlers. They bowed and resumed dragging the shamed ex-princess out of the room.

"Mikoto-san I feel sick." Naruto murmured. His face was pale and a shiny sheen of sweat covered his forehead.

"Someone send a messenger to the doctors!" Mikoto cried. A maid nodded and ran out of the room as if her life depended on it.

"Where's my son?" Mikoto questioned aloud. She cradled Naruto's head in her lap. His blue eyes were glassed over and slowly drifting close.

"He went to a council meeting with Fugaku-sama!" The only maid left in the room answered nervously.

"Go get him," Mikoto's hands were trembling as she touched the soft fabric over Naruto's belly. She could feel the steady energy rising from it. "If this is what I think it is my son needs to be here!"

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