Eunjae stared at Minghao, not caring if anyone noticed, as he had already finished the days assignments. Minghao on the other hand, seemed to be struggling, but pushed Eunjae's hand away everytime he tried to help. 'Let me try it first', he had said. 'I can do it'. Minghao had colored his hair again, this time black, saying he wanted it back to his natural color. Eunjae had never seen it so dark, and it took some getting used to. Minghao was letting his hair grow out, and Eunjae wasn't sure how he felt about the thick strands of hair hanging in his eyes, when he was so used to being able to see his entire face, no problem.

"You're cutting your hair before prom, right?"

Minghao looked up from his notes and glared. "Why?" He asked lowly. "Do you think I look ugly?"

But Minghao wasn't actually asking that. Eunjae knew that even if he thought it was ugly, he wasn't actually allowed to say that. Not that he ever would. But he didn't think it looked bad, not at all. Minghao could probably pull anything off. Eunjae just wasn't one for change. With Minghao's new look, Eunjae suddenly wasn't confused as to why Wonwoo suddenly started hanging around them more than usual.

"No," Eunjae said slowly, eyeing him carefully. He expected a kick to the shin. Which, so far, he hadn't received. "But, y'know, pictures and stuff. I mean....if it's what you want, cool, whatever, but I'm just reminding you. I don't want you refusing to take pictures with me because you think you look bad. Because you don't."

"I don't think I look bad at all." Minghao said, going back to his notes. He capped his green pen and traded it for a purple one. He wrote a couple sentences in chinese, drawing arrows towards whatever it was he was trying to remember before capping that pen too. "Jeonghan?" He leaned across the table and prodded Jeongha's back with his finger.


"Can I use your pen?"

"You have like twelve pens right there."

Minghao looked down at his pile of pens, each a different color. "But you have an orange one. I lost mine."


"Vocab definitions have to be in orange. It's gonna fuck everything up if they're any other color."

Jeonghan shrugged and handed over his orange pen. He shot Eunjae a strange look, before leaning across the table towards him. "Your boyfriend is a nutcase."

"Says you."

"Shit, man, you're right," Jeonghan nudged Minghao's arm, but Minghao shook his head, mumbling repeatedly that he was almost done. "Would you still date Minghao if he ends up turning into Wonwoo?"

Wonwoo looked up from across the room when he heard his name. He sat with Ryu, who was sleeping comfortably on her books. Even from where he sat, Eunjae could still see that she was drooling. Wonwoo smirked and raised his eyebrows at Eunjae. Raising his hand to the collar of his shirt, he tugged the material down enough so show his collar bone.

"Yeah, of course. Especially now." Eunjae winked at Wonwoo, deciding to play along. Months ago, he would've died right on the spot. He would admit, Wonwoo was a good looking guy. Definitely his type, which he noticed had changed drastically since having a crush on Jeonghan, -thank God.

Though, he noticed Minghao and Jeonghan had a lot in common. They were both mean, incredibly high maintenance, mean, stubborn, mean, unapologetic, mean, just awful, mean....

Part of Eunjae missed being friends with Jeonghan. Back then, Jeonghan was actually a decent person. But that was tossed out the window ages ago, and since Eunjae had done such an amazing job at avoiding Jeonghan for so long, being forced (not really but also yes really) to be around him wasn't the most fun.

He held a grudge, Eunjae didn't take rejection very well. But maybe now, it wouldn't be so awkward? He wasn't sure if he could be friends with him again, or if Jeonghan would even want to. He doubted it, but it was hard to tell if his harsh words were meant to be taken seriously most of the time.

"Are you and Josh going to prom?"

Jeonghan looked confused by the sudden question. "Um...I haven't asked yet. Or he hasn't asked. I don't really know. I think so."

"I thought you two would ended up going even if neither of you asked the other."

"I mean, I know we're going. But Josh deserves something special, you know? He's always doing things for other people, and I..."

Eunjae blinked as Jeonghan continued talking. He expected a snarky remark or maybe the ever-so-popular, fuck off. Something real creative. He hadn't expected a real response, especially not something like that.

"...amazing. He's done so much for me. I never really pay it back, so I'm thinking of doing something real dramatic. I mean, Jun beat me to it, even though I thought it was weak. Cute, but weak. I could do so much better."

"Yeah, I'd say so.'

"To be honest, I think Jun only asked Hoshi to prom to upstage me. He would totally do that."


"It's a challenge."

"Jeonghan, I really don't-"

"I'm gonna rent us all a fucking hotel for the after party. And we're all gonna get smashed."

Eunjae sat there for a while, only realizing that the class had ended when Minghao tugged his sleeve. "You fucked up." Minghao said simply, nodding towards Jeonghan, who was now leaving the room with a wide grin.

"How was any of that my fault!?"

Minghao shrugged. "I don't know," He said as he shoved his folder down into his bag. "At least you weren't fighting."

"At least you didn't get jealous this time."

"He's not your type anymore." Minghao said with a smirk shouldering his bag and took off to his next class, leaving Eunjae standing there, staring. A small smirk made it's way to Eunjae's face.

He was right. Minghao was definitely his type.

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