Eunjae wasn't drunk enough to deal with the mass of people in his room - well, he wasn't drunk at all, that was the problem. The students were overflowing, collecting in the living area of the wing as well, and if that didn't clearly show that too many people were there, Eunjae wasn't sure what would. 

But, strictly put, he was fucking whipped, so he followed his boyfriend back into the clutches of doom - or, the party, as some people called it. He went back to the party, even though all he wanted to do was cuddle his small boyfriend and make sure to take care of him well after they had sex. Come to think of it, didn't sex usually make people worn out, especially the bottom? Was he just so bad that Minghao didn't feel anything? What if - 

"Stop looking so sad, it's killing my vibe." 

Eunjae scoffed, what a caring boyfriend he has, "whatever brat, just go have fun with Jun." 

Minghao just rolled his eyes, grabbing Eunjae's hand and insistently pulling him into the room. 

"I'm gonna go find Jun. Try not to be a buzzkill for once?" 

"God, I'm starting to miss when you first came here and you actually had the ability to shut up." 

"Hmm, well I don't," Minghao started walking away, before hesitating, "and stop being so jealous. I didn't pull Jun away to fuck me, did I?" 

Eunjae grew red, and he just waved his boyfriend off before he could embarrass himself further. 

Minghao disappeared, but Eunjae wasn't free just yet. 

"EY THERE'S MY DEFLOWERED GAYBY, CONGRATULATIONS!" Woozi seemed to sprout from the sea of people like a very, very stubborn weed. 

Woozi put something around his neck, and it took Eunjae a moment to realize that it was a candy necklace - where Woozi had gotten it in the first place, he had no idea - and a suspicious drink was shoved into his hand. 

"Hey Woozi, I have a secret to tell you," Eunjae smirked, motioning with a finger for the other boy to lean up. The boy did as he was asked. Eunjae's smirk grew deeper, and he leaned down to whisper, "why don't you fuck off and go get pushed down the stairs somewhere." 

Woozi drew back with a huff, but he quickly regained his composure, "I would never ditch my friends to do that." 

"You have friends?" 

"He's got you there baby," Seungcheol arrived, immediately putting an arm around Woozi with an easygoing grin. 

"I'm not a fucking baby," Woozi huffed, and he stomped away, like a baby.

Seungcheol barely managed to stall for a second before he was chasing after him. Eunjae groaned, he felt bad for Seungcheol, if he was dating Woozi he would probably vow to become a monk. 

"Nice neck," a voice interrupted Eunjae's thoughts, and he paled, recalling the predicament he was in. His parents would be arriving any day now, and he had quite a few things to take care of before then. Particularly, the hickeys. That was just an awkward situation that he didn't want to endure, so he knew even if Minghao would throw a tantrum about it - and he definitely would - that he would find a way to hide the hickeys as best as he could.

He pushed his drink into the boy's hands before brushing past Mingyu without a word, his eyes scanning the room, slipping over the clearly drunk messes of students until he found what he was looking for. He all but ran over to the girls, panic for parents week overriding the fact that he was about to willingly initiate a conversation with someone outside of his very small cluster of a friend group. 

"Oh, Eunjae, we wondered where you ran off to," Yuna grinned, and Ryu nudged her. 

"I definitely didn't, it was obvious really." 

Eunjae winced with worry, "yeah, listen, you know it's parents week, right?" 

"Yes," the girls smiled brightly. 

"And, well, you know, how can I like," Eunjae motioned to his neck, where the red and purple marks were littered across his skin, "not let them see this." 

"I don't know man, do you like turtlenecks? I mean, we're great, but he got you pretty good." 

Yeah he did - Jesus, how could Eunjae possibly feel like he could be horny again? 

"Speak for yourself sister, how do you think I managed to secretly date Tiffany for 3 years back home?" Ryu gave a her friend a dirty smile, and Yuna laughed loudly. 

"You gays are crazy," Yuna shook her head, but there was glee on her face, and she hooked an arm around Ryu, pulling her closer so she could land a sloppy kiss against the girls temple. 

"Ew, gross, I don't accept kisses from heteros," Ryu scowled, "and I'm not even gay, I like everyone." However, the scowl soon grew into a smile,  and she quickly laughed as her friend shoved another brownie into her mouth. "You're hopeless," she laughed, as the girl began to cough for a few moments, before chasing the brownie with something that smelled suspiciously like rubbing alcohol. 

Eunjae supposed maybe it wouldn't be so bad to talk to them more. Perhaps when they weren't wasted.

"Um, hello?" Eunjae interrupted their moment, and Ryu focused back on him. He couldn't say the same about Yuna, however, she seemed too far gone to even remember the day. Though, to be fair, most students these days never knew the date anymore. He was the same way. 

"Hm, come with me, my rooms down the hall," Ryu said, grabbing Yuna's arm to help the girl sit up with her. However, the girl kept resisting, and soon she was wandering off to greet some other friends. 

"Should I," Eunjae paused, "should we get her back?" 

Ryu stared after the girl for a few moments before shaking her head, "nah, she'll be fine. Wonwoo will fight anyone who even thinks to try something. Come on, I'll see what I can do for you." 

Eunjae nodded, and soon he found himself in the girls room, sitting nervously on the bed while the girl collected all her makeup. 

Boy, if his sister could see him now, he wasn't sure if he would be her hero, or if she'd laugh until hiccups took control of her body. 

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