Eunjae wasn't exactly sure when Minghao had fallen asleep. He thought it had been at least an hour, but Minghao had faked sleep before, so he wouldn't bet on it. Either way, Eunjae didn't care. As long as Minghao seemed comfortable, he was happy to hold him, even if it meant his arm feel asleep and his body grew sore from staying still.

It was worth it, being able to see Minghao's sleeping face. He could stare at Minghao for hours, and he did. The only problem was, after a while, Eunjae just couldn't resist pressing soft kisses on his face. He smoothed Minghao's hair back, so that he could place his lips on Minghao's forehead.

Minghao shifted, and his arms tightened around Eunjae, pulling himself closer. The small gesture made Eunjae ridiculously happy, and any thoughts of sleep were erased from his mind. There was no way he could sleep now, not when his little angel looked so sweet. He loved bratty Minghao, but he also loved these moments, where Minghao was sweet and innocent.

He shifted onto his back to get more comfortable. In the process, Minghao was pulled on top of him. Eunjae was happy to have the extra warmth, and, more importantly, the extra contact. He wrapped his arms securely around Minghao, as if to protect him and block out any bad dreams.

Half asleep, Minghao managed to burrow his head into Eunjae's shoulder, his breath fanning onto Eunjae's neck. Even though it had happened dozens of times by now, it still made Eunjae's heart race. Eunjae would probably never get over it, and he didn't want to. He loved the way it made him feel.

Eunjae hoped that Minghao was truly asleep, as he didn't know if he was ready for Minghao to hear what he was about to say. Still, he felt it was time to say it.

"Minghao, you're messing with everything, you know? Before, I was fine with being invisible, and being.... Well, you know." Eunjae sighed, looking away from Minghao for a moment to gather his thoughts. He wasn't gay, but, he liked Minghao, much more than a friend. Still, that didn't make him gay. Right? Fuck, maybe he was. "But now, I don't know. I want to try... I want to try, for you. So can you wait for me? Please? You've changed everything, so please don't give up on me. I like you too much to lose you. I mean I really, really like you."

If Minghao was awake, he didn't show it. However, he snuggled closer to Eunjae.

Eunjae felt better after his confession, and he managed to close his eyes, feeling like he was already dreaming, with Minghao in his arms.

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