Wow I wonder when Laurrie's actually gonna read this despite my numerous hints


"Low key though, dude, low key, your mom's hot. Low key. For an old person, that is."

Eunjae kicked Woozi's shin under the table, thankful that his mother was happily talking with Ryu and Yuna. Yuna seemed a bit uninterested, as the other two were discussing girls. Ryu's ideal type, and Eunjae's mother talked about the type of girl she'd want as a daughter-in-law.

As long as she had boobs and a uterus, Eunjae guessed that's all that mattered to her.

Still, Eunjae knew his mother didn't have a problem with homosexuals, she barely even reacted when Ryu not-so-subtly hinted that she liked girls almost as soon as his mother mentioned Eunjae.

His father was being oddly quiet, and Eunjae didnt miss the suspicious glances he kept giving them as Minghao leaned into his side, still hugging Eunjae's arm against his chest.
But he didn't look angry at all. Curious maybe?

Eunjae really didn't think his father would care too much, after all, it was usually his mother who pushed him to date girls- and he was honestly surprised that she hadn't tried to set him up with anyone specific. Seemed like something she would do.

On the other side of Minghao sat Joshua, who was sitting awkwardly between Jeonghan and his mother because his parents were unable to make it. Eunjae almost didn't believe they were even related, as Jeonghan didn't look anything like his mother at all. But as soon as she started to speak, it was clear where his attitude came from.

"He's barely even looked at me since they got here." Jun mumbled from across the table. Eunjae turned to look for Hoshi, and found him at another table with his own parents.

Jun's father clapped a hand on his shoulder, speaking words that sounded encouraging. Jun shrugged, eyes still glued to Hoshi, who had glanced up momentarily, then quickly looked away.

"Do Jun's parents know about him and Hoshi?"

Minghao nodded. "Jun's kinda like a girl. He talks about Hoshi all the time with his mom. It's kind of weird actually."

Eunjae could feel his almost hatred for Jun fading away. Maybe he could trying being nice to him. Maybe. "That's adorable."

"Yes," Minghao looked down at his untouched plate. "I wish you would do that."

"Minghao," Eunjae sighed, enjoying the feeling of Minghao's fingers rubbing against his arm, the same one he still held against his chest,  and hadn't let go of since they left Eunjae's room. "I'll tell her tonight. I promise."

"Eunjae, who's that?" His mother suddenly pulled him towards her. She pointed across the cafeteria to a boy named Ren. He and Eunjae had once been seatmates in the eighth grade. "She's pretty, isn't she?"

"Yeah, ma. He's very nice."


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