Eunjae patiently waited in the showers, handing Minghao his towel and everything. Honestly, he thought he made a great secret boyfriend. He was a perfect gentleman when it was appropriate, and he knew that Minghao was enjoying the fact that he was following him around during his morning routine. 

Minghao hadn't stopped smiling, not even when they were back in his room. With how happy he was, it was like Eunjae had proposed to him. 

Despite the fact that Eunjae had told Minghao that they needed to get ready, he'd much rather spend the time laying in the bed. So, as Minghao rushed around the room to find his clean pants, Eunjae's only movement was his eyes following the small boy. 

The only exception was when Minghao tried to put his own shirt on. To that, Eunjae had passionately opposed. 

If Minghao had known how weak he could make Eunjae, just by wearing his clothes, then maybe he could have ended this week long feud much earlier. But it was in the past now. He hoped, at least.

"Hey, Minghao?" Eunjae motioned the boy over, sitting up as he joined him on the bed. He traced a finger down Minghao's neck before landing on his collarbones. "You have to button the shirt all the way up."

Praying that Jun wouldn't show up, Eunjae pulled the shirt so that it hung off Minghao's shoulder, and he took a moment to admire the marks he had carefully left on him. But now wasn't the time to think about that, Eunjae reminded himself. 

Curious, Minghao pulled away, walking to Jun's mirror. Upon seeing it himself, Minghao wasn't sure if he was more embarrassed or pleased. Thinking back, it was stupid of him not to expect this, as Eunjae had taken his time below the collar. He undid more buttons, curious to see the full effect of Eunjae's actions. 

Minghao's fingers brushed across his skin, lightly pressing against every discoloured patch on his chest. They were oddly beautiful to Minghao, just like the person who had made them.

Minghao was blushing furiously, but his smile gave away that he wasn't upset, and Eunjae was relieved. Although, he had to admit, he had been intrigued on how to deal with an angry little Minghao. Perhaps another time, he thought. 

Eunjae called out to him a few times, and Minghao quickly moved to him as if he had been pulled. Eunjae moved to the edge of the bed, grabbing the shirt and using it to pull Minghao between his legs. Minghao's hands shot out to grab Eunjae's shoulders. Even after he had steadied himself, they remained there.

Slowly, Eunjae started fixing the buttons together, and Minghao enjoyed the time he had to stare down at him, an uncommon occurrence.

He still couldn't quite believe that last night had happened. From their spoken words, to the other activities, Minghao almost doubted the reality of it all. He had started to think that nothing would work out, that they would be stuck in the game forever, or, worse, Eunjae would give up. 

And even though it hadn't ended exactly how he'd hoped, the torturous days had taught him to appreciate what they had. Even though it wasn't fair to Minghao, having to keep it a secret, it also wasn't fair to try and force Eunjae out of the closet when he wasn't ready. 

Among the few times that they had spoken through the night, Eunjae had promised that he would work towards being open, and Minghao now knew that was all he could ask for.

He admired Eunjae's face, staring at the way small wisps of his hair brushed into his eyes. He examined the exact slope of Eunjae's eyes, and admired the way his lips pursed as he concentrated.

He also admired the way Eunjae's lips stretched into a smirk, until he leaned forward, pressing his lips against Minghao's skin. Minghao thought that his heart would burst, and he quickly pushed Eunjae back, knowing that if he allowed it, they might not ever get out of bed today. 

Eunjae only laughed, before continuing buttoning the shirt. Once he got to the top, he fixed the collar and he finally looked up at Minghao. 

Both of them blushed, but didn't dare look away. 

"I like you." Minghao had no idea where that came from. He hadn't intended to say anything, but under Eunjae's stare, Minghao's brain stopped functioning. 

Perhaps it was a good thing, though, because he hadn't seen Eunjae look any happier than he did at that moment, a shy smile rising to his lips. His hands faltered on the shirt, before moving to press into the back of Minghao's neck. 

"I like you too." Eunjae didn't know who moved first, but it wasn't all that important to him, not once he was gently pressing his lips into Minghao's, sharing soft kisses. Their lips barely brushed before pulling back and repeating the process, and Eunjae was reminded of the way clouds slipped past each other.

It was for the best when Jun barged in, as neither were sure if they had to will to pull away. 

"Hey, are you guys ditching class to fuck? I'm impressed, Eunjae!"

They jumped apart, Minghao looking away embarrassed, while Eunjae just glared. 

Even with the polar opposite looks, they both followed Jun out of the room. 

"So.... did you tear Minghao's shirt off or something? Honestly, I'm surprised he's walking fine. I expected more from you. I guess height isn't everything, after all." 

"Don't talk to me for at least a month."

Jun only laughed, but Eunjae was dead serious. Minghao, stuck in the middle, could only sigh, as his two favourite people in the school weren't getting along. He made it his goal to make them best friends by the end of the week. 

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