Eunjae's day had started horribly with Woozi acting as his alarm clock, making obnoxiously loud beeping sounds and beating him with a pillow until he got up.

Once Eunjae was awake, he realized that Minghao was gone. They had classes today, Minghao must have left early. Eunjae was grateful that Minghao wasn't around when they had to leave, if anyone saw them leave together they would be suspicious. However, waking up the day before with Minghao still asleep and clinging to his side was heaven, he didn't appreciate Monday coming so soon.

While showering, Woozi stole his clothes again, but thank god and anyone else listening that Seungcheol made him give them back (Eunjae was inpressed, no one could tell Woozi what to do).

But the cherry on top of the fucking sundae was walking into his first class to Jun basically on top of Minghao.

It sounds selfish, but Eunjae had been happy with Jun paying more attention to Hoshi than to Minghao, and Jun suddenly being so touchy with him...well, Eunjae wasn't having it.

He noticed the empty seat beside Hoshi where Jun would usually sit was empty, and since Jun was in his seat beside Minghao, his Minghao, Eunjae would just sit with Hoshi instead.

"Hey." Hoshi mumbled, still glaring at Jun.


The two spent the entire class glaring at Jun and Minghao. Everyone around them noticed what was going on, Joshua kept glancing at Eunjae and whispering to Woozi, which pissed Eunjae off even more. He was fine, he wasn't mad. He totally didn't want Jun to get a papercut on the knuckle or just where his fingers bend. Nope.

And once that happened, he wasn't at all thinking about how great it would be to pour lemon juice on them every time Jun made Minghao smile.

He was not jealous, and neither was Hoshi.

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