Eunjae will never again, take Hoshi's dedication to makeup for granted.

Ryu had managed to cover up the hickeys after about twenty minutes, Eunjae guessed. It definitely felt like a long time, and he had learned a lot, thanks to Ryu talking him through everything, even though he really didn't care at all. How Hoshi managed to do this everyday, Eunjae would never know.

But he figured it would be useful if Minghao was going to act like a brat all the time, which was inevitable.

"Jae- stop! Don't move!"

"Why does it matter if I move, it's going all over my neck, who cares if it smudges?"

"I haven't set it yet, it won't smudge, it'll either look patchy or it'll crease! Dumbass."

Eunjae's legs ached from kneeling on the floor so Ryu could reach him while she sat on the edge of her bed. She was very pretty up close, and he wondered how he hasn't noticed before. He also wondered why he hadn't ever really talked to her as a friend, despite her being close with Jihoon and Hoshi so she was around all the time.

Ryu finally announced that she had finished, and almost immediately, her door burst open.

"Ryu, I know you hid my toys- Eunjae, hi!" Hoshi ran at Eunjae for the second time, but this time, he didn't have to force Eunjae to hug him. Eunjae didn't realize how much he had missed to boy until now, and he hugged him tighter as he pushed away all disgust at what he was sure Hoshi was about to say to Ryu when he burst in. He wondered if Minghao had anything like that. He wouldn't be surprised, at all actually, Minghao definitely seemed to know what he was doing. Eunjae made a mental note to ask later. An awkward question, maybe, but he was genuinely curious. The two spent most of their time in Eunjae's dorm anyway, so it wasn't like he would accidentally stumble upon them.

Maybe he'd ask Jun instead. As much as he didn't like him at the moment, that was the one thing he was sure Jun would know, and not lie about.

"You're wearing makeup?" Hoshi looked confused at first, but the expression soon turned to excitement. "Can I do your eyes? I'll do them just like mine!"

"I don't really think-"

"But Eunjae," Hoshi whined, jutting out his bottom lip. "You'll look so cute."


"I meant hot. Think of Minghao. Don't you think I look good?"

Eunjae half expected Minghao to come out of nowhere to kick him in the dick. "Yeah."

"Let me make you beautiful."

"Are you saying I'm ugly?"

"Jae, honey," Ryu gave a pitiful smile. "Yes he is."

QuerenciaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora