While Eunjae had found Minghao's jealousy cute before, now he didn't enjoy it so much.

Why? Because after Eunjae eventually had to drag Minghao away, while Jun did the same with Hoshi, Minghao hadn't spoken a word. His body language communicated enough; his crossed arms, tight lips and narrowed eyes clearly told Eunjae, 'I'm mad at you.'

Eunjae didn't know exactly why. Was it because he had talked to Hoshi, or because he had let the fight go on for so long? Or perhaps, because he had stopped the fight? Did Minghao assume it was because Eunjae was protecting Hoshi? Honestly, with how ridiculous Minghao was, Eunjae wouldn't be surprised.

In class, it wasn't that bad, since there wasn't much time for talking. Although Eunjae missed the subtle brushes of Minghao's hand, and the secretive glances.

However, dinner was when things turned difficult. Minghao wouldn't even look at him. He pushed Eunjae's hand away every time he tried touching Minghao's knee. 

However, whenever Hoshi would so much as glance at them, Minghao would clutch his arm, his eyebrows narrowing even more than before.

At this point, Eunjae was happy that Hoshi kept messing with Minghao, as it meant he got a hint of the clingy boy he had developed a soft spot for. Eunjae tried to speak, but Minghao would just ignore him. 

Sometimes, he would respond to Hoshi, just to see if he could get a reaction out of Minghao, but he figured he shouldn't anger the boy any more than he already had.

He had started to worry that Minghao wouldn't come over for the night, but he didn't need to. Minghao wanted Eunjae to know he was angry, and that meant ignoring him. It didn't have such a deep effect if he wasn't around Eunjae.

He sat on the edge of the bed, his back turned to Eunjae just enough to be obvious, while still being able to glance at the taller boy to make sure he noticed.

Eunjae slouched at the other end of the bed, settling for staring until Minghao was uncomfortable. It worked - but not enough to get him to speak.

"Minghao...." Eunjae whined, inching closer. "You know I don't like Hoshi, I like you. He's just a friend, can't he be a friend?"

Minghao was tempted to say, 'no, he can't,' even though he knew it wasn't fair.

"I'll do that..." Minghao almost smiled, "if you stop talking to Jun."

Minghao was about to protest, but he realized that Eunjae had a point. And he hated that. He pursed his lips, but didn't move away as Eunjae crept closer. 

"Now now, don't you forgive me? I've suffered enough, haven't I? I can't stand it when you're mad at me." Eunjae trapped Minghao between his legs, hugging him close and nuzzling into his shoulder. "You're being silly, don't you know I only see you?"

He left a few kisses on Minghao's neck, just enough to get Minghao to relax against him, before pulling back to stare.

"Now come on, we haven't cuddled since this morning, I know I'm not the only one suffering from withdrawal."

Minghao turned to face Eunjae, his lips puckered, not in anger this time. Eunjae smiled, moving to kiss him softly. With his arms securely wrapped around Minghao, he pulled the two of them down on the bed to make up for lost time.

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