Chapter 1: Issei New Adventure

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Issei was not having a good day no it was the worst day for him even worst then his freaking ex girlfriend killing him with light spear today Rias just flat out told him she was not into him the only he hope he had to heal his heart just says "I'm sorry Issei you're just not my type"


Draig: Partner cool it you're letting your anger get the best of you cool it before you'll do something you'll regret.

Issei: I'm sorry it just why why can't I just be happy for once in my life it always turns to shit espically today.

Draig: I know partner but look on the bright side you have gain a new power you've become stronger to fight a high class devil and won.

Issei: Yeah but at the cost of an arm...Hey Draig.

Draig: Yes partner?

Issei: Is there a way that I can rid of these evil pieces I don't I'm enjoying the fact of being a servant anymore i did when I was with Rias but now I just want to be me again not taking orders from anyone...

Draig:... Are you really my host because that's the most noble and dragon like thing I've ever heard you say in my life!

Issei: I'm serious Draig I'm done with all the Supernatural Bullshit.

Draig: There's one way...

Issei: Let me guess it involves me having to give you another piece of my body isn't it.

Draig: Yes and it will have to be your heart partner.

Issei: Wait what? Does that mean I will be pumping dragon blood or something?

Draig: But not only that you will gain traits of a dragon like the strength speed power of the dragon it will make you a full dragon with no devil of human within you. You will just look human.

Issei: What's the downside because that sounds way to good to be true!

Draig: Stronge enemies will hunt you that's for sure and once I get rid of these evil pieces the devils will try to hunt you down and well either try to recruit you again or kill you on the spot for betraying them.

Issei: That's a risk I'm willing to take I mean my parents have Asia so they won't miss me as much they have the daughter they wanted and we out of the city...still can't believe I ran all the way over here because of my rage.

Draig: That's what anger does to you partner.

Issei: Well come on get on with it Draig it's time before Rias and the other start looking for me.

Draig: Understood partner.

It took Draig a couple of minutes to turn Issei heart into a dragon hearts and get rid of the pieces within this of course didn't go unnoticed by Rias because for some reason the King has special connections with their pieces and when one is broken it doesn't go unheard.

Rias: Akeno Kiba Asia Koneko everyone follow me!

Akeno: Ara ara Rias what's happening why the sudden rush?

Rias: Its Issei I don't sence him any more but it's more like our connection broke!

Kiba: But how?

Rias: I don't know but come on we need to find him my pawn could be on the verge of death right now! I won't let him die after he's saved me!

Asia: But you would reject him even though he gave a piece of himself to save you...

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