chapter ten- why won't you love me✈️

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Exactly three days after Sophie moved out of Luke's house, Luke was on his way to the airport leaving for tour.

Sophie had forgotten entirely about him leaving and was currently out with a few friends debating how much more time she should be apart from Luke before hanging out again.

Luke had called Sophie and left a million voicemails and texts which she had chosen to ignore. She hadn't been checking anything he sent her; she was in a desperate attempt not to think about him until she had decided what to do with their tattered relationship. She was well aware of the fact that hearing anything from him but have her running right back into his arms.

Luke had dreaded leaving, he hadn't heard from her, and he didn't want to leave without talking it through at first, but he knew he had to go do his job.

When he sat down on the flight, he checked for any sign from her, but as it had been for the past days, there was nothing.

"Luke, how are things with Soph, have you heard from her?" Calum asked after noticing the tall boy constantly checking his phone and also the fact that she hadn't been here to say goodbye.

"We're not alright, but I'll pretend." he pressed his cheek against the glass window on the plane and watched the ground disappear as he held back his tears.

"Luke, it'll be okay, you guys will figure it out."

Calum wasn't entirely sure if they would, but he knew that's what Luke needed to hear right now.

"Not if I'm thousands of miles away."

Luke checked his phone to see his wallpaper; it was a picture of Sophie that he had taken when they were on tour together last. They were in France, and she was in front of the Eiffel Tour, they had discovered the best dinner place that day, and when the went back to France on vacation the next year, they ate there nearly every day. It was ironic to Luke that right now he was on his way back to Paris. Only this time he was alone. When he saw her face staring back at him, it was a little reminder to him that he wouldn't be lonely. They'd be back together soon.

Luke had landed in France hours ago but had time to himself, and somehow he ended up a few drinks deep at a table for one at the place they used to go in France

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Luke had landed in France hours ago but had time to himself, and somehow he ended up a few drinks deep at a table for one at the place they used to go in France.

He saw the local time was two am, so he knew it was it was just around dinner time and decided to call Sophie again. After she didn't answer the first time, he tried twice more before finally giving up.

It was a few weeks later, Sophie had seen on her twitter feed that Luke had gone away on tour

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

It was a few weeks later, Sophie had seen on her twitter feed that Luke had gone away on tour. She was upset she had forgotten that he was leaving, but she still wasn't ready to call him yet.

Luke, on the other hand, was somewhere new. He wasn't entirely sure where. Spain maybe.

It was another three days before Sophie had finally decided she was ready to talk to Luke

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

It was another three days before Sophie had finally decided she was ready to talk to Luke.

He was thoroughly surprised when he watched her name pop up on his phone.

"Sophie?" he was unsure as to if it even was her or someone else on her phone.

"Hi Luke, I'm sorry I haven't called. I just needed time to think and had I remembered you were leaving for tour I would have said goodbye, but I didn't realize until it was too late."

She did realize she could have called him days ago when she did notice, but Sophie was hoping Luke wouldn't mention that.

"Yeah I get it, the time disappears. So what's been new at home?" Luke was in no mood to fight; he was just happy to talk to her, although he was holding back tears just at the fact of hearing her voice.

"Alexis just got engaged."

After that there were a few moments of silence, Luke knew everyone had always expected Sophie and Luke to be the first ones in their group to get engaged and he knew that Sophie was hoping they would be.

"Luke, it's so hard to be lonely. I need to make a change, I can't wait." she had only called Luke because she knew what she wanted.

She couldn't be in a relationship that was so unsure always; she needed something stable, she needed someone around, someone who didn't have a job that required 90% of them. It used to work for her but now she was getting older, and she needed to find something more mature. The fighting was just another nail in the coffin.

"Why won't you love me, Sophie? I know that we're together all alone, and I know everything I'm saying is so helpless from the other side of the world. But you knew getting back into this that this was my job and you never had a problem with it before."

Sadness filled Luke in every way possible. He couldn't even seem to understand why she had stopped loving him when he put everything he had into making it work with them. It was just as hard for him to have to leave her as it was for her to have to be alone.

"Can you tell me why I hold onto you and you hold onto me, Luke? It doesn't work yet we're always willing to destroy our selves to make it work."

"And Luke, I hope you know I hope for your happiness as I hope for mine. This relationship just isn't it for either of us."

It was killing Sophie, but she knew she had to do it, she knew Luke would never end it no matter how long she ignored him.

For Luke, it was hard to make sense of all of it. Of how things could go so wrong while he had tried just about everything for them to work. He could literally feel his heart breaking into a million pieces.

Of all the times Luke and Sophie had called the quits they could both feel something so different about this time. A pain neither of them had felt so strongly ever before. The pain of knowing this truly was the end for them. The pain Luke felt of Sophie no longer loving him.

YOUNGBLOOD {Luke Hemmings}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora