chapter nine- more 🏚

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Just weeks after Luke and Sophie finally thought they had figured everything out and were ready and mature enough to handle jumping back into their relationship so quickly, they got into another one of their giant fights.

They had been trying so hard not too, but for the past few days, it almost seemed as they had gone back to only fighting.

Sophie had gone out last night to a friends party; she had invited Luke, but he was quick to decline and claim he was tired and wanted an early night. Sophie wasn't going to cancel her plans to stay in again, and that wasn't the problem for Luke, the problem was that she didn't come home that night at all.

He had woken up this morning expecting her to be in their bed but was surprised to find her spot completely empty. It was lonely and concerning to Luke. She had promised him to be back by one, but now it was eight, and he hadn't even had any missed messages from her.

Although Sophie had misunderstood Luke's concern and had interpreted it as him being an overprotective boyfriend. And that brought them to where they were right now.

9 am, just barely morning yet they were both yelling over each other trying to prove their points. It felt all too familiar to them.

"Sophie you can't just not tell me things! I'm not overprotective I was concerned, what if something had happened to you?" Luke had finally managed a sentence in between both their shouts overlapping.

"Luke if you had really cared you would have just come to the party with me!" Sophie knew she sounded selfish, but she had wanted Luke to hang out with her last night.

"With that logic Sophie, if you had really cared you would have stayed home with me!" Luke was a master at using people's own words to get back at them and was definitely not afraid to do it when it was necessary.

"Luke! I'll have all the time in the world to be in this house alone when you leave for tour, and I'm still here, I don't want to spend all our time together at home."

That made Luke feel tremendously bad; he hadn't known that Sophie didn't want to spend more time at their house than she would have to when he wasn't here. It also made him upset that she hadn't said anything before. Secrets were never good in any relationship and he Luke considered any important feelings that weren't shared a secret. Although his anger was now whipped from him and he felt selfish and sorry for not noticing that before.

"If you and I are living in the same place, why do we feel all alone? I'm not gone yet, Sophie. We have a house full of everything we wanted, but it's an empty home we both know it." It wasn't an angry conversation anymore, it was one of two broken lovers trying to make it work. It was one of sadness.

"I know you're not gone yet Luke, but it feels like you are. And lately, we've been living in different nations. We can both feel somethings broken. Relationships aren't supposed to be like ours; we couldn't even make it to you leaving for tour without fighting."

Sophie didn't want to hurt Luke, but she also knew if she had just apologized and they hadn't talked this out then there wouldn't be any pieces of their relationship left for her to fix, they would have been done faster then either of them wanted too. She wasn't sure fighting was the way to fix it either, but she would try hopefully.

"Remember all the things we used to dream about Soph? Like us never fighting and just always being full of love, can we just go back to that?" Luke had no intention of fighting he was ready to brush this whole situation under the rug, as he usually did. It worked for him.

"Baby, they don't mean what they did before. We have to have new more realistic ideas now; dreams don't always come true. Fights do happen, and we can't just bottle everything up because eventually, it will explode. I love you, but I'm not gonna ignore my feelings because you'd rather dream on about a fantasy." Sophie felt sorry for Luke, he could sometimes be naive but she had to hold her ground.

"Honestly, all I want is to get back to us, because we used to have more. More love, more hugs, more smiles, more good times. Why does it feel like we're missing out? Like we're missing all the good our relationship used to have." his voice was a quiet whisper, and his eyes brimmed with tears.

"Luke, I know we break, but we're not broken, so don't cry, you know it hurts me. You and I can find a way to fix this, we'll talk it out, and eventually, everything will be okay again."

Sophie couldn't even look at the boy in front of her anymore. When he cried, she wanted to do nothing more than hold him and tell him it was going to be okay, but when the tears were a result of her, there was nothing she could do.

"We can't talk it out if it feels like we're speaking different tongues, I just want us to be the way we used too back before all the fighting when it was golden."

Sophie understood what Luke was saying, but she also understood that they couldn't get back to that, too much had happened for them to be the way they were so long ago. Plus clearly the end results of those times weren't positive, they can't keep repeating the same mistakes and hoping for a different outcome. Sophie at least knew that Luke, on the other hand, had only unrealistic dreams when it came to Sophie and him.

They needed to take steps backward and re-track before they could move forward.

"Luke, I think we moved to fast after getting back together and moving in wasn't the right decision so early on. I'm going to stay with a friend for a while, and we'll talk again before you leave for tour."

She had her mind made up, and there was absolutely nothing Luke could say to change it, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't try.

"Sophie don't give up on us please, I love you-"

He hadn't gotten the chance to finish the long speech he had planned before she cut him off.

"Luke, I'm not giving up on us, we're worth fighting for. I just know we need to fix this and to fix it we need to work on it. I'm moving out; I'm not leaving you. Understand that. We're taking a small break from always being with each other, and I'll see you soon, but right now we need a few days to ourselves, and eventually, when we are ready we can discuss moving in together again."

Although what both Sophie and Luke had forgotten was how soon Luke was going to be leaving for tour.

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